Chapter 3

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NOTE: I'm sorry this story hasn't been very exciting and so on......I've just been, like, getting into it and introducing everyone to the characters and shit.....I can promise you, I will most DEFINITELY try to include more drama and that in the next few chapters and on!


I sighed, and rolled over in bed. It was later that night, and I still couldn't get him out of my head. Was it just a freaky coincidence that his eyes are the exact ones in my dream? Or does it really mean something? Get a grip, I told myself sternly, you don't even know him and you're obsessing over him.Hell, You haven't even talked to him. How old are you, thirteen?! Stop acting like such a freakin' stalker! This was getting out of hand. I needed a distraction. I knew I had a Spanish essay due in on wednesday, but I really couldn't be bothered to do it. Getting up, I sifted through my Cd's, selected the loudest one and put it into my CD player.Two minutes later, whilst jumping around to Bullet For My Valentine, the door crashed open to reveal my mom standing there with a furious look on her face. "Turn this goddamn awful noise down!" She yelled. "I'm trying to have some peace and quiet downstairs!"

I told her what she could do with her 'peace and quiet'.

"ADIRA! I will not have that language in my house! You disgust me sometimes, young lady."

I rolled my eyes."Same here." I replied coolly.

"Right, that's it." Marching over to my desk, she yanked the socket of my player out of the wall, picked it up and walked out of my room with it. " Seriously, Adira, Stephen is downstairs."

I frowned. Who?

She looked at me. "I didn't tell you about Stephen?" Her expression changed to one of adoration. "Oh, well, we met at a-"

I shook my head. Ew. "Seriously. Don't want to know. Now get the hell out of my room."

She glowered at me one more time before marching out of my door a and slamming it forcefully behind her. God, what a bitch. She acts like such a teenager sometimes. A new boyfriend every week, and she's 41, for God's sake. It's quite frankly embarrassing. I flopped down onto my bed and closed my eyes. I looked at my alarm. Great. It was only 8:43 and already I was going mad. I needed to get out.

A few minutes later, I was sitting cross legged on my bed with my laptop resting on my knees. I was on facebook, and as I scrolled through all the updates, one caught my eye. It had been posted by Faye, a girl I vaguely knew from school who was a friend of Avery's. 'Party2nite, NE1 can cum, plz bring drinks xx' It read. Looks like my night just got interesting.....


Hey, Me again! I hope you are enjoying the story so far......and If you're not, then why are you reading it? bwahaha.. anyway, chapter 4 is being written AS YOU READ THIS!

Spoiler: Adira unexpectedly runs into some old 'friends'..................

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