Chapter 11

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....Beep... Beep... Beep...

I woke up, but didn't open my eyes. I could hear a constant beeping noise and people murmuring softly.

"...Stab wounds weren't as deep as we first thought. She'll have some permanent scarring -- mentally as well as physically -- but aside from that, she'll be fine." I heard a soothing male voice mutter.

"Is there anything else the matter with her?" I heard my mom ask.

"Stab wounds, a gash on the neck, slightly fractured skull, a cut on the side of her head, three broken ribs and a sprained ankle. Oh, and a black eye." Another listed in a bored voice. Someone gasped. I opened my eyes to see I was lying in a hospital room wired up to a machine that was the source of the beeping noise. My mom, a doctor and a nurse were huddled together in the corner, talking in hushed tones. Most of my body was strapped up or bandaged. One of my eyes were swollen shut, and I felt sore all over.

"Mom?" I called out softly. She turned around.

"You're awake! Oh, honey, I was so worried about you!" She gushed, hugging me carefully.

Yeah, right.

"Um, mom..."

"You're a very lucky girl, Adira Amabel." The doctor cut in.

What? I was lucky that I almost died? Thanks.

Seeing the look on my face, the doctor laughed. "No, I mean the fact that you're alive. If that girl-- what was her name?"

"Um, Charlie, wasn't it?" The nurse said.

"Do you mean Chiara?" I asked.

"Yes! That's it! Chiara. If she hadn't found you sooner..." He trailed off, his voice grave.

Suddenly, another nurse poked her head into the room. She smiled when she saw I was awake.

"You've got some visitors." She said. The doctor sighed.

"Bring them in, then." He said, walking out of the room with everyone else following him.

As soon as they'd left the room, Chiara burst into the room, squealing. She threw her arms around me, and burst into tears.

"Oh my God, Adira! We thought you were gonna die!" She sniffed, squeezing me tighter.

"Um, ow."

She pulled back and smiled sheepishly. "Oh, sorry."

In the room with her was Matt, Katie, Dan, Avery, a few other guys, and standing at the back looking sullen, Faye. She nodded curtly to me. Matt stepped forward, blocking her from view.

"And we got you these." He said, presenting me with a huge bouquet of lilies.

"Um...," I felt a lump in my throat. "Thank you, guys."

Faye rolled her eyes and pulled a 'I'm gonna puke' face.

Noticing, Avery glared at her.

"If you don't wanna be here, Faye, that's fine. No-one made you come, and no-one will miss you if you go." She snapped.

Faye's hands clenched into fists at her sides. "Fine," She hissed venomously. She then turned to me. "Oh, and don't think I haven't forgotten about our little bet. It's still on."

She stomped out, slamming the door behind her. After a few seconds, her newly acquired boyfriend, Sam, followed after her.

There was a tense silence as everyone looked back and forth from the door to me.

A few people began whispering to each other. I closed my eyes again, feeling tired.

After a while, a few people muttered their goodbyes and walked out, closing the door softly behind them. Soon the only people left were Avery, Katie and Chiara.

"You look terrible." Avery murmured sympathetically, stroking my hair.

I laughed. "Gee, thanks."

No-one else laughed with me.

"Who d-did this t-to you?" Katie asked softly, her voice wobbling as though she would start crying.

"Isabella James." I replied evenly.

They all looked shocked.

"I know she beat you up at Faye's party, but w-why would she do this?" Avery wondered aloud.

I sighed.

"I guess I'd better tell you about Sean."

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