Chapter 28

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Hey guys....I'm going to try updating more often now....I mean, I noticed that I was uploading chapters only once a month. I mean, EXACTLY once a month. On the 11th of each month. Which was freaky, seeing as I didn't even plan that. O_o BUT ANYWAY I am now going to be uploading....maybe once a week? I'll try. Just been on holiday for a week. With No Internet. NO WATTPAD. OMIGOD I NEARLY DIED (I need a life....) but I know exactly what I want to happen now! :P :'( LOVE YOU ALL AND KEEP READING XOX

I AM SO SORRY TO KEEP YOU ALL IN SUSPENSE FOR 4 MONTHS....I probably have no readers now....awh, well... D:


 I stuck my head around the kitchen door in the morning to see Sarah making some sort of food.

"Morning." I mumbled sleepily, "I though vampires didn't eat?"

She turned to look at me. "Good morning to you too. And we don't, this is for you, genius." She pointed to a plate of toast. "Um, you like toast?" She asked, looking slightly worried.

"I'm actually allergic to gluten." I said, shrugging.

"Oh." Her face fell. I snickered.

"Just kidding. Toast's fine." I grinned.

She mock glared before handing me the plate. I sat down at the counter.

"It's weird." She said while I was chewing.

"What's weird?" I asked, but my mouth was still full so it sounded like, "Whash 'eer?"

"How being vampires, we're used to people acting totally scared of us if they find out. Like, we could rip your throat out at any time. But you, you just treat us like normal people. You act totally at ease around us. How come?" She leaned forwards, resting her elbows on the counter, shiny from not being used before (the counter, not her elbows).

I shrugged, swallowing the toast. "I don't know. I guess after Sean was killed, I knew you guys existed. It wasn't until I met Zayden and Dan, that I could prove it. I didn't suspect anything about Dan until the end. But Zayden wasn't careful enough, he kept giving himself away."

Sarah frowned, "I told him school was a bad idea."

"Huh?" I asked.

"Zayden didn't get to finish school before he was.....turned. None of us did. Skylar and I weren't bothered, we'd never been particularly academic. Zayden was the smart one. He was determined to graduate. We all told him it was a bad idea, but he refused to listen. I guess he also saw it as a way of strengthening his self-control. All those people, all that blood...." She trailed off, as though daydreaming. I shuddered discreetly.

She snapped back to the present suddenly. "Sorry about that. I get you find it kind of disgusting. I can tell by your thought patterns."

"Oh yeah. Forgot about that."

She smiled half-heartedly. "Skylar will probably use it to try and freak you out. It's best to ignore her until she comes around. She loves the whole creepy vamp thing, and milks it for all it's worth, but once she realises you don't care she'll act normal again."

I smiled. "Okay. Good to know."

"As for Ryan..." She sighed, "He's just kind of new to this whole thing. He was turned....about five months ago? I'm not sure. He has less control over his thirst than us, he can be easily overwhelmed. But don't worry, you're still safe here. Just try not to...provoke him. My advice would be to stay out of his way."

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