Chapter 2

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NOTE: I can't be bothered to write about her whole first day of school and that, so I'm just fast-forwarding the story to that night. Hope thats okay with you guys. :) and remember, vote, comment, rate, fan, do whatever it is you crazy people do, and I'll love you forever! :D Also, sorry it's such a short chapter. I didn't update, for like weeks, so I was in a rush to get it done. Chapter 3 is on the way soon! xxx

Read on!


I slammed the door shut after me. "Mom! I'm back!" I called out into the house.

"How was it?" Mom asked. I followed the sound of her voice into the kitchen. I slung my bag over the back of a chair and hopped up onto the counter.

" It wasn't bad, actually." I lied. "Um, I made some new friends and stuff." Correction, Chiara had insisted I sit at her table with her other 20 or so friends, while they all talked to me at once and asked me awkward questions about my old school. Then, I spent the rest of the day getting lost, because the cheerleaders thought it would be funny to inform me that the map was wrong and gave me their own 'edited' version.

"That's nice." Mom murmered absently, not listening to me, her eyes glued to the TV screen. Sighing, I grabbed my bag and headed upstairs.

As I brushed my teeth that night before bed, I looked at myself in the mirror. I had never been one to stare at myself in the mirror, only glancing in it every so often to make sure that my hair was somewhat decent and that I didn't have any stains on my clothes. But tonight I looked at my reflection for the best part of ten minutes. I had changed so much in the past month or so. In an attempt to become unrecognizable to evryone at my last school, I had dyed my hair bright red. Just like Gerard Way, I tried to convince myself at the time, but I couldn't help thinking that it made me look even paler that normal. I had lost loads of weight, out of exaustion and anxiety, and despite my attempts to put it back on by eating takeout every night and doing no exercise, it didn't work, only resulting in me feeling sick and dizzy, so I gave up on that after a while. My eyes were the only part of me that I actually liked, they were a clear violet colour. I rinsed my mouth out and crossed the landing to my room. I was literally asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.


It was dark. I was wandering through a forest at night. I felt scared and alone. Wolves howled in the distance. The pale moonlight shone down through the dark canopy of leaves overhead. The sound of a twig snapping behind me broke the eerie silence, making me jump. I whirled around to see a silhoutted figure standing in front of me, but I couldn't see them clearly. It leaned towards me, into the light, but all I saw was its eyes,the most beatiful blue eyes I'd ever seen. They were a pale icy blue, with navy and sapphire flecks, and framed with black lashes. I watched as the irises grew darker, until they turned pitch black, and blinked once before disappearing completely.

Trying to keep up with the stream of chatter the girls clustered around me were saying, I made my way to my next class, English. It had been a few days now, and I was starting to recognize most faces, and recall some names. Sitting at my usual desk I began doodling on my notebook, tuning out their mindless gossip. I couldn't stop thinking about my dream last night. I had no idea what it meant, but I had a feeling it wasn't a good omen. The teacher droned on at the front of the room with no-one really listening to her, but she did't seem to notice or care either way. I let my eyes wander around the classroom, and as I tried to remember everyone's name, I noticed a guy I'd never seen before sitting a little way from everyone else, with his back to me. He had messy black hair, pale skin and was wearing black jeans and a grey hoodie. He appeared to be reading a book. As I stared at him, he looked up and turned around to look at me. When I saw his face, I froze. His eyes.........they were the exact eyes from my dream. No fucking way. I was frozen to the spot, until he glared at me for staring at him, and turned back around. Breaking out of the weird trance his eyes had left me in, I realised my hands were shaking. "Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." the girl named Avery who was sat next to me whispered, concern colouring her voice. Her green eyes lined heavily with black eyeliner looked at me worriedly.

"Um, yeah. I just thought I recognized that guy." I whispered back, nodding towards him. She nodded. "That's Zayden Greene." She said knowingly, flicking her platinum blonde hair out of her eyes. She leaned forward and began to whisper conspiratorially "He's a strange one. Mysterious. He moved here , like, three years ago. He keeps himself to himself, you know? Sometimes he doesn't turn up to school for like, days, and he keeps his distance from everyone else. Cute, though. Well, more than cute. I'd totally tap that." She giggled, then turned her attention back to her Ipod. I looked back at him, but he didn't look at me again.

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