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Hope you liked the first chapter! Comment any ideas or more things you would like to hear in the book! I have a few ideas but it will only happen later in the story


Bella Swan's P.O.V.

I woke up tired, not having enough sleep. I got up and climbed up the bridge by stepping on rocks piled against the wall.

I ran to a public bathroom near Yorkies and went into the third stall. Luckily no one was there. I tugged at a loose floor board a retrieved a tiny box, with my belongings. I undressed and put on my only other pair of clothes but stayed with the same socks and dirty sneakers. I washed the clothes I just had on using the sink and placed them back in box after folding them. They would dry by tomorrow. I replaced the box back under the floor and jumped on the floorboard, making sure it was back in place and that no one would notice it if they came into this stall.

I washed my face and brushed my hair using my fingers and brushed my teeth also using my fingers. I cleaned my hands and grabbed my jacket before getting to Yorkies.

I arrived late, as usual, but Ernie didn't care since there wasn't much costumers at this time. I unstacked the chairs and wiped the tables. I cleaned the counter and restocked the food closet. Then I put on my apron and tied it around my waist like my jacket and put on the badge with my name I kept in the pocket.

I pulled my hair into a messy bun and sat down at a booth, waiting for hungry customers.


Edward Cullen's P.O.V.

I left the house to get away from my father's endless phone calls that he had to put on speaker, and my mom's book club, which could be a little quieter!

I drove around in my Volvo, not really wanting to go anywhere. I suddenly realized I was hungry and began searching for somewhere to eat. It was a Saturday, which meant most places ought to be opened. I was in the shady parts of New York, a place I would've never went if I wasn't starving. I saw a couple of restaurants but it didn't look like the food there was actually edible.

I pulled up at a place called Yorkie's. Though the food was probably junk food, it was the most nice looking place around here. I got out of my car and put my car keys in my pocket, along with my wallet. I had a feeling I was going to get robbed so I took my money and credit card out of my wallet and placed it in my other pocket, leaving an empty wallet for these low life's. I sat down at a booth and had to admit that the food here was starting to look good. A hostess came and gave me a menu and I glanced quickly at, deciding that I wanted a burger. My parents weren't here which meant I could eat whatever I wanted to, even without a napkin! Wow, I have go to get a life I thought to myself.

"Hello, my name is Bella, what would you like to drink today sir?" A waitress asked me.

I looked up at her and found myself gazing up at her chocolate brown eyes. This woman was beautiful, and I suddenly wished that Tanya looked like this girl, Bella I thought. For beautiful.

"A water please, no ice." I answered her. "I'm Edward Cullen by the way." I added, as way as introduction.

"Thank you, I'll be right back," she said smiling. Her smile was gorgeous, as if it could light up a whole city.

I was still ogling her when she was back with my water.

"Thank you, that was very quick," I praised her, wanting to talk to her.

"I try my best," she laughed.

I chuckled with her and she blushed, making me laugh harder.

"Shut up," she said, blushing deeper.

"It's easy to make you blush," I teased, watching as she blushed, if possible, even deeper. I watched the way she bit her lip, as if nervous and walked away quickly, stumbling a bit. I shook my head to myself. If all the waitresses were like her, there was no doubt I'd be returning.


Bella Swan's P.O.V.

I went over to a bronze haired guy seated at a table and went to take his order.

"Hello, my name is Bella, what would you like to drink today sir?" I asked me.

He looked up at me and I found myself gazing at his emerald green eyes. He was inexplicably handsome, and there was no way he could be from around here with his expensive clothes.

"A water please, no ice." He answered me. "I'm Edward Cullen by the way." He added, a slight smile on his face.

I blushed suddenly. This must be Carlisle Cullen's son. The Cullen's were always in magazines for hemorrhoid charity donations, and were honestly, loaded.

"Thank you, I'll be right back," I said smiling.

I rushed myself to get his drink, wanting to talk to him again. Despite being rich, he seemed like a nice guy. No huge ego and boastful manner.

"Thank you, that was very quick," He praised me.

"I try my best," I laughed.

He chuckled with me. I liked his laugh I decided, just like I liked his eyes and his hair and his smile. I blushed at my thoughts, making him laugh harder.

"Shut up," I said, blushing deeper.

"It's easy to make you blush," He teased, watching me as I blushed, if possible, even deeper. He was definitely the type of guy I'd like.

"Are you ready to order?" I asked, getting back to the original task. He frowned, as if he was sad I did my job.

"A burger," he said simply.

I looked at him, puzzled. We had millions of burgers, which one did he possibly want?

"Which one?"

"Which is your favorite?" He asked me.

I told him my preferred choice and he ordered that one.

"Now go get my food!" He shooed me away.

I smiled at him. He waved me off, and I walked away. I came back with his order about five minutes later.

"Here you go Edward," I said, handing him his food.

He smiled, then smacked his head, like he forgot something. I was right.

"Oh man! I forgot to tell you, I wanted two burgers, not one!" He said. He bumped his head on the table. I chuckled.

"Don't worry, I'll be right there with another burger." I assured him.

Five minutes later and there were two burgers on his table and a grin on his face.

"Now come eat with me," he demanded.

"What!?" I yelled.

He shushed me and I rolled my eyes.

"You didn't think I was going to eat this all myself did you?" He asked shocked.

I shrugged.

"If you don't eat this food I will throw it on your head" he warned.

I grimaced. If he did that, it would mean I had to was my hair in the sink at the public bathroom.

I sat down scowling at him while he grinned smugly at me.

I had to admit that the burger was amazing! I hadn't eaten since yesterday and this filled me right up!

He thanked me and payed the money, leaving me a twenty dollar tip! I would be able to buy breakfast lunch and dinner tomorrow! I felt bad because he payed the food for me but he insisted. After he left I sat down where he was seated for a minute before cleaning the table.

I found a piece of paper there that said:

'I had fun with you today! We should do it again! Here's my number: 954-528-1048 :) '

I smiled and put the note in my shirt pocket. I dreamed of Edward that night, and woke up with a smile on my face.

Love from the streets- On Hold (IN NEED OF EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now