Did you forget me?

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Bella Swan's P.O.V.

It's been a week since Edward gave me the note with his number, and he probably gave up on waiting for my call. Probably met another girl, who was rich, and beautiful, unlike me.


Edward Cullen's P.O.V.

It's been a week since I saw Bella and I was getting impatient. Why didn't she call me? Did she meet another guy? I hope not, I really liked Bella. I decided to wait two more days, until Saturday, since I knew she worked that day. I would take her somewhere else, somewhere we could have fun. Not at my house though, that was a strict no fun zone apparently. Maybe to a mall, girls like malls right? My mom did, so did Carmen and Tanya who she went shopping with frequently. I would take her there I decided.


I drove over to Yorkie's, speeding away to Bella. When I arrived there, I saw Bella facing away from me, so all I saw was the back of her head. I grinned as I saw my chance. I tiptoed over there and shook her the same time I yelled "BOO!" I watched her scream and blush when she saw it was me. She froze for a minute and rubbed her eyes as if she couldn't believe it was me.

"I'm here Bella," I assured her. She sighed then jumped in my arms. I caught her and we probably looked like kindergarteners but I didn't care, I was with my Bella.

"Did you forget me?" I asked her when I set her down.

"No, I thought you forgot about me and replaced me!" She accused me.

"I could say the same thing! I thought you met another guy!" I responded.

"Sorry I didn't call, I was really busy," she said in a fake voice. I raised my eyebrows but didn't say anything.

"It's ok. Do you want to do something with me?" I asked her.

She looked me seriously in the eyes and said "Duh!"

I grinned and laughed and she laughed with me. I really missed the sound of her laugh.

"Where are we going?" She asked me.

"We'll I'm first waiting for you to get off your shift, then we'll go to the mall."

"Wow, I didn't take as the kind of guy who liked shopping!"

"Anything for you," I told her, and she rolled her eyes.

"I guess I can go now," she said. "Hey Ernie, can I go?"

"Yeah," answered some guy in the back. I figured Ernie must be her boss.

"I don't have any money though, cause Ernie doesn't give me my paycheck until Monday" she told me in the same fake voice. I ignored it.

"It's ok, I'll pay," I said.

She shook her head, "You can't do that, that's too much,"

"I'm not going with you if you don't let me pay," I told her stubbornly.

She wouldn't budge though. I knew I had to do something to get her to go.

I started for the door but she didn't stop me. I frowned. Something crashed into me and I thought she threw something at me but the object said "No don't go! Don't leave me!"

I put her down and said "Promise?" She nodded and I smiled smugly at her.

Realizing what I did she frowned and her face turned red, like she was about to cry. "You tricked me," she accused, her voice cracking. I almost cried myself, I made Bella cry.

"I'm so sorry Bella, I-" I stopped as she turned, now smiling smugly, her face back to its original color.

"Gotcha!" She yelled.

Love from the streets- On Hold (IN NEED OF EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now