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Bella Swan's P.O.V.

After being at school for 6 months, my schedule was pretty much the same. Get ready for school in public bathroom, walk to my 'fake' house, Edward drives me to school, we go to all our classes, go to lunch, Edward drives me back to my 'fake' house, and I go home to my bridge. I do my homework, lay out and outfit for tomorrow, then go to sleep. My life was as if I was a nomal teenager, that lives in a real house, goes to school, does homework, and goes to bed on an actual bad. But I wasn't, though this was as close as I would get. Edward and I grew closer, and I started devolping some new feelings for him, though I doubted he felt the sam way. I was too scared to tell him I didn't live where I saidI did, that my parents died, instead of always 'working' and that I'm actually poor. I'm too afraid he'll break our friendship because i'm from the streets and his family is stinking rich! I have gone over the possibility that he liked me for me, not because he thinks I'm rich like he is, but this isn't a fairy tale, like Cinderella, my prince charming will never fall for me, Cinderbella.

"Bella? Are you OK?" my prince asked, and I nodded before taking a sip of my coke, that he once again, bought for me at Yorkie's.

"Just lost in though."

"OK, mind telling me what you're thinking about?"

"School," I answered. I didn't lie completely, I had been thinking about school for a moment. He raised his eyebrows, but didn't say anything. Man I wanted to shave off that eyebrow!

"Ok, so where do you want to go today?" he asked, changing the subject.

I shrugged, thinking again.

"What about the carnival, it's opening at 10"

I nodded, but in my head I was asking what the heck is a carnival?


Sorry I'm not updating that much, but if I don't get more votes I will not update and might delete this story!

Love from the streets- On Hold (IN NEED OF EDITING)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora