First Day

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Bella Swan's P.O.V.

I was waiting at the porch of my 'house' waiting for Edward to come pick me up. Instead of a book bag, I brought the purse I had bought at the mall. Inside were pens, pencils, books, and a notebook. I was dressed in my converse hightops, black skinny jeans, and a T-shirt with headphones and said 'MUSIC MAKES ME HAPPY.'

When Edward did arrive, in his fancy silver Volvo, he was grinning profusely.

"Ready for school today?" he exclaimed. I frowned, and shook my head. The truth was, I wasn't ready. I was afraid that people wouldn't like me, or that they would pick on me when Edward wasn't there. His grin immediately disapeared and he got out of the car and hugged me, squeezing my shoulders.

"You'll be okay, I promise, I won't leave you alone for a second." He told me as he wiped away a tear I didn't know was there.

He kissed my forehead and opened the passenger door for me, gesturing me in. I went inside after he helped me in and he shut the door gently.

He walked around the car and went in the driver's seat. He put on his seatbelt and I did the same. One of his hands were on the wheel and the other was holding my hand. It wasn't a very long drive there, about twenty minutes, though I wished it was more. The silence between us wasn't awkward, more like peaceful and I was glad we weren't those friends that had too fill up every silent space with conversations. We were happy like this.

He found a parking space close to the entrance. the school was HUGE and was beautifully decorated. It was white and blue and around the school was a large area of grass. There were a few picnic tables in the back and a greenhouse near the tables. there were benches under trees and flowers surrounding the circumference of the school in every color you could imagine. There were was a sidewalk leading up to the front doors. The doors were made of wood and had small windows in the middle of it.

Edward turned off the car and raced to my side, opening the door for me, ever the gentlemen. He grabbed my hand and walked in with me. He ignored the stares we were receiving so I did too. The girls were glaring at me and the boys at Edward. I blushed a tomato red and of course, Edward teased me.

"Wow, it's not every day you hold hands with a tomato!"

And of course, I blushed even redder. He tried to stifle a laugh.

He walked with me to the front office, which was not in the front at all! I probably looked nervous because Edward decided to speak up.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah just nervous."

"Don't worry, I'll be with you all the time!"

"Yeah, in between classes, maybe not even that if our lockers are far apart."

"Don't worry," he repeated, grinning.

I wondered why he was smiling as we walked through the doors of the office. A woman there, with short red hair greeted us.

"Hello! I'm Ms. Cope, who are you?" she asked me.

"Hi Ms. Cope, this is Isabella.." Edward started.

"Swan," I finished for him. "Isabella swan, but I go by Bella."

"Hello Bella, Edward."

"We wanted to get our schedules and locker numbers." Edward told Ms. Cope.

"Ahhh, here you go," she said as she handed us various papers, "And I took care of that little matter you asked me about Mr. Cullen."

He thanked her as we stepped out of the room.

I glanced at my schedule before looking at Edward's and looked at him grinning.

"You did this!" I accused happily.

"Anything for you," he said, returning my grin.

He had made sure out schedules were exactly the same and our lockers next to each other's.

I wasn't nervous anymore, I knew that Edward was going to be with me all the time now, and my worries seemed to fade away.


Edward Cullen's P.O.V.

There was about 15 minutes left before school started so I figured I would take her for a tour. her large chocolate eyes were wider than their usual state as we walked around the school. I showed her every classroom, and the cafeteria. I brought her into the school store where she would be buying a t-shirt, sweater and school supplies, or rather I will be buying for her. I didn't mind, I liked spending money on her. She did deserve it, she was beautiful, and kind, and caring. She was one of the best people to ever walk this Earth.

The first bell rung, signaling that class is starting in five minutes.

"Come on let's go!" Bella said as she tugged my hand through a hallway.



"You're going the wrong way!" I told her. She blushed and went the other way, and I followed her, grinning like a doofus.


"Hello class, II'm Ms. Hayford, and I'll be your Trigonometry teacher for the year," Mrs. Hayford said. "I recognize a few faces, but most of you are new, so I will explain how school works in my class." I ignored the rest of her speech. I already knew it all. I watched as Bella listened to the teacher's every word, and stared at her for the rest of the class. Most classes passed, mostly the same, until it was lunch time. I grabbed her small hand, that filled perfectly in my hand and walked with her to the cafeteria.

We got in the lunch line when she suddenly smacked her forehead. Is she hurt? Does she need ice?

"I'm fine!" She assured me, "I just remembered I don't have any money for lunch."

"Not a problem," I smiled. I picked up a tray and filled it with a ton of food.

"I is all of that for me?" she asked, wide eyed.

"Of course not," I scoffed, "half is for me!"

We sat down at a vacant table and began eating, we were receiving various glares, but we just ignored them.

"So how was your day?" she asked me.

"You should know, you were with me!"

"That's a good point."

We ate the rest of our lunch in silence, and went to to our next class. Biology. Introductions were made and lectures were given until it was time to go home. we stopped by the school store before heading back and I bought all the school supplies we would need, and a school sweater and back pack. I drove her to her house and gave her a kiss on the cheek before heading to my house, wearing a goofy grin.

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