The Silent Treatmeant

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Bella Swan's P.O.V.

I didn't go to school today, too saddened to go. Edward must think I'm weak but I don't care, he lied to me, he betrayed me. I didn't go to Yorkie's either, Ernie must be worried but I didn't have the strength to go anywhere. I stayed in my bridge, crying and sulking all day.


Edward Cullen's P.O.V.

Bella didn't come to school today. I went to pick her up and almost knocked on her door but thought against it and went to school alone.  Class was a bore all day and I felt guilty for being the cause of Bella not being here and for her sadness. I truly hated myself, though it was kind of Tanya's fault  but I did lie to her. I should've told her I was dating, then this wouldn't have happened. I went home after school and threw myself on the bed and didn't move since.


____ *THE NEXT DAY* ____

Bella Swan's P.O.V.

I went to school te next day, but I didn't wait for Edward, I just went straight to school on feet. I planned on ignoring Edward all day, but that would be pretty hard considering he was in all my classes and my lab partner for everything. Maybe I could do sign language, if only I knew how to do it. I got to class and sat down moments before Edward did.

"Are you okay?" he asked sadly. I felt my heart break again but I stared straight ahead and didn't move an inch.

"I'm sorry Bella, do yo forgive me?" he tried again. I didn't sayanything and neither did he and I finally thought he got the hint. I thought wrong.

"Did you?"


"The silent treatment? Really?"

More silence.

"Whatever he said, before keeping quiet. This went on for the rest of the day until lunch. I didn't get anything to eat, just a free water and sat down at an empty table, the farthest from Edward.

"Is it true you and Edward broke up?" asked a voice from beside me. I know noticed that people had been seated beside me and I never noticd. It was Jessica Stanley. She was petite, with curly dark hair.

I nodded, and she tried to contain her excitement to no avail.

"Really?" asked another voice. It was Angela Weber, a tall, shy, quiet, and very kind girl. She has light brown hair and soft brown eyes. She respects other people's space, and has a gentle disposition.

I nodded again.

"Oh." was all they said. I walked up and threw my water out before headng to biology, my next class. And of course, Edward followed me and sat down next to me. Gym was like that also, except that he kept running over to me every time the ball hit me. I went home scowling at Edward. Did he want to hurt me? All he did was cause me pain, but I should've none being friend with him would give me heart break. Every guy was the same. I walked home to my bridge and cried myself to sleep.


Not many people are voting now, I'm not sure I should continue. Might delete this story:(

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