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Edward Cullen's P.O.V.

Bella hasn't talked to me for weeks. Every once in a while she would nod her head when we had to work together on projects but just that. She talked to other students, and was very close to Angela Weber now. Jessica was her friend also but she got upset when Mike Newton noticed Bella and not her. Lauren, also didn't like Bella, and it didn't take a mind reader to know that she was jealous. At lunch, Bella sat as far as possible from me and sometimes didn't even eat. She started only taking a little bit of food, probably because she knew I was paying for all of it. It had just passed a month since the whole Tanya incidence when I finally had enough. I was going to go to Bella's house and beg her to talk to me.

____ *AFTER SCHOOL* ____

Edward Cullen's P.O.V.

I drove to Bella's house, thinking of what to say to her when I got there but nothing sounded right.

Please talk to me Bella! sounded too desperate.

If you don't start talking to me I'm telling Ms. Cope to kick you out of school sounded too mean.

I finally arrived at her house and knocked on the white door. No one answered and I was about to knock again when a middle aged man came out. He was bald, and hadn't shave for about a week I could tell. He was dressed in a black button down shirt and khaki shorts. He was wearing dirty brown flip flops.

"May I help you?" he asked.

"Hello sir, I as wondering if Bella was home," I said politley.

"Bella? Who's Bella?" he questioned with a baffled expression.

"Your daughter," I said, as abashed as he was. How could this man not remember his own daughter?

"I don't have a daughter! Or any kids for that matter, are you sure you have the right address?" he inquired.

"I'm sure," I mumbled, "I always pick up Bella from his house."

"Oh you're friends with that girl? She's always here in the morning, walking from that direction," he said pointing to the left.

"Thank you sir," I said before driving away in my car.


I pushed through the doors and went up to Bella where she was working at Yorkie's.

"Liar!" I said.

She just looked at me confused.

"Oh don't give me that face! I know all about your filthy lies!"

Realization dawned on her face and then fear.

"What lies?" she mumbled.

"Oh so you're talking to me now?" I glared.

"What lies?" she glared back.

"About your so called house!" I spat.

"You mean the house I live in?" she asked innocently.

"Don't look so innocent! You know what I'm talking about!"

"I wish I did!"

"I just went over to your house to talk to you and a man which I first assumed to be your busy dad answered the door! He said he didn't know of any Bella and didn't have any children!" I yelled.

"Why did you go there?" she screamed.

"Cause I was sick of the silent treatment!"

"You deserved it!"

"It wasn't my fault Tanya kissed me!"

"Oh so her name was Tanya?!"

"Yes! And I'd like to know why you lied to me and refused to talk about your past!"

"You want to know?" I nodded. "You want to know where I live, who my parents are, my back story and why I lied to you?" I nodded again.

"Ok fine!" she spat, her eyes brimming with angry tears.

She walked out and I followed her. She walked until she came upon a wooden bridge I thought she'd pass but instead went under it. She climbed don using huge boulders and I followed suit. She waited until I was completely under the bridge before she began to speak.

"My name is Isabella Marie Swan, and I was born September 13. My parents, Renee and Charlie Swan lived in Forks, Washington until I was three then moved here to New York. My mom stayed at home with me while my father worked as a police officer. I had a normal life, I went to school, watched TV, and complained about going to sleep. We lived in a small yellow house, with two bedrooms, one for me and one for my parents. One day, on September 13, my dad took a day from work to stay with me for my birthday. My mom dropped me out for school and I had a good time. They sang Happy Birthday and I had a cupcake at lunch. Then, close to the end of school, Ms. Fair, the principal came in and called me into her office. At first I thought I was in trouble, but she looked sympathetic for me. "Isabella," she said, "you parents died. They were both in the car to pick you up from school and a car passed in front of them. There was no time to stop." I remember denying it, saying that they couldn't have died but they did. I was ten years old." By this time her eyes were full of tears. "Ernie, my boss from Yorkie's was a good friend to my parents. The school was going to send me to an orphanage but Ernie came and pretended to be my uncle. I have treated him as such since." she finished.

"What about your other family members?" I asked her.

"I don't know any of them" she said sadly.

"So what happened to the house? Where do you live now?"

"I lost the house, didn't have money to pay for it. I sleep here, under this bridge."

"What about Ernie?"

"He has a place of his own, but I didn't want to intrude so I said was living with a friend." she explained.

"Don't you have any money from working at Yorkie's?"

"I use my salary to pay for something to eat, I don't earn that much."

"Where are all your stuff?"

"In here," she said and began digging the sand we were standing on. She pulled out a box and showed me all the stuff I bought for her. "There are some other stuff in the public bathroom." she added. I went to sit down and she followed and leaned on me and started crying again and I let her, rubbing her back and saying sweet things once in a while.

"Who was Tanya?" she asked suddenly.

"Well I guess I'm going to have to explain my story now," I joked and she cracked a smile.

"Go ahead."

"Well, my mane is Edward Anthony Masen Cullen and I'm 17. I was born to Esme and Carlisle Cullen. My father's business is very good and we earn a lot of money. My mom sometimes designs houses and that also earns a lot of money. My father wants me to take over the business once I'm old enough so I've had to act mature a lot younger than I would have liked to, though I feel like I'm a normal teenager when I'm you Bella," I told her and she blushed. "Anyways, my father was negotiating a business deal with the Denali's another family. Carmen and Eleazar Denali had three daughters, though two of them are else where right now. The youngest, Tanya Denali was a spoiled self centered brat but was deeply cared by her parents. She was 16 and my father asked me to date her, to put in a good word with the Denali's. I, never being one to disobey, agreed much to my dislike. I dated her for about a month and that one month was sheer torture and at last the deal was made. Then I met you Bella and wanted nothing more than to hold you so I went to break up with Tanya but you chose that moment to barge in and saw her kiss me when she thought I was joking about breaking up. She is out of the picture now though so we don't have to worry about her." I added.

She nodded, then snuggled closer to me.

"I'm sorry." I said, leaning down to kiss her forehead.

"You're forgiven." she said then looked at me expectantly.

"What?" I asked.

"No apology kiss?" she grinned.

I grinned back then kissed her cheek. Well tried to, she turned her head and I ended up kissing her lips, not that I didn't mind. We broke apart breathless. Literally.


"Yes?" she sighed.

"I love you."

"I love you too." she said and my I felt my heart peice itself up together.

"No more secrets right?" I asked.

"No more," she replied holding out her pinky.

I smiled before locking pinkies.

"I like this place," I told her meaning it completely.

"I like it too, it's comfy when I go to sleep."

"Bella, would you mind if I bought you a place to live?"

"Yes I do mind. I don't really like spending your money though you have done it a lot for me." she answered.

"Another time?" I asked hopefully.

She shrugged then nodded.


Bella Swan's P.O.V.

I was working at Yorkie's after school when a customer pushed through the doors and went up to me. Edward

"Liar!" he said.

I just looked at him confused. What lies?

"Oh don't give me that face! I know all about your filthy lies!"

He knew. He knew I was poor. Now he hated me. What if he didn't want to be friends anymore? We already were fighting after all.

"What lies?" I mumbled.

"Oh so you're talking to me now?" He glared.

"What lies?" I glared back.

"About your so called house!" He spat.

"You mean the house I live in?" I asked innocently.

"Don't look so innocent! You know what I'm talking about!"

"I wish I did!"

"I just went over to your house to talk to you and a man which I first assumed to be your busy dad answered the door! He said he didn't know of any Bella and didn't have any children!" He yelled.

"Why did you go there?" I screamed.

"Cause I was sick of the silent treatment!"

"You deserved it!"

"It wasn't my fault Tanya kissed me!"

"Oh so her name was Tanya?!"

"Yes! And I'd like to know why you lied to me and refused to talk about your past!"

"You want to know?" He nodded. "You want to know where I live, who my parents are, my back story and why I lied to you?" He nodded again.

"Ok fine!" I spat, my eyes brimming with angry tears.

I walked out and Edward followed me. I walked until I came upon my wooden bridge I went under it. I climbed down using huge boulders and he followed suit. I waited until he was completely under the bridge before I began to speak.

"My name is Isabella Marie Swan, and I was born September 13. My parents, Renee and Charlie Swan lived in Forks, Washington until I was three then moved here to New York. My mom stayed at home with me while my father worked as a police officer. I had a normal life, I went to school, watched TV, and complained about going to sleep. We lived in a small yellow house, with two bedrooms, one for me and one for my parents. One day, on September 13, my dad took a day from work to stay with me for my birthday. My mom dropped me out for school and I had a good time. They sang Happy Birthday and I had a cupcake at lunch. Then, close to the end of school, Ms. Fair, the principal came in and called me into her office. At first I thought I was in trouble, but she looked sympathetic for me. "Isabella," she said, "you parents died. They were both in the car to pick you up from school and a car passed in front of them. There was no time to stop." I remember denying it, saying that they couldn't have died but they did. I was ten years old." By this time my eyes were full of tears. "Ernie, my boss from Yorkie's was a good friend to my parents. The school was going to send me to an orphanage but Ernie came and pretended to be my uncle. I have treated him as such since." I finished.

"What about your other family members?" He asked.

"I don't know any of them" I said sadly.

"So what happened to the house? Where do you live now?"

"I lost the house, didn't have money to pay for it. I sleep here, under this bridge."

"What about Ernie?"

"He has a place of his own, but I didn't want to intrude so I said was living with a friend," I explained.

"Don't you have any money from working at Yorkie's?"

"I use my salary to pay for something to eat, I don't earn that much."

"Where are all your stuff?"

"In here," I said and began digging the sand we were standing on. I pulled out a box and showed him all the stuff He bought for me. "There are some other stuff in the public bathroom." I added. He went to sit down and I followed and leaned on him and started crying again and he let me, rubbing my back and saying sweet things once in a while. I didn't care we had been fighting. I missed him and wanted to be with him again but first I had a few questions.

"Who was Tanya?" I asked.

"Well I guess I'm going to have to explain my story now," he joked and I cracked a smile.

"Go ahead."

"Well, my mane is Edward Anthony Masen Cullen and I'm 17. I was born to Esme and Carlisle Cullen. My father's business is very good and we earn a lot of money. My mom sometimes designs houses and that also earns a lot of money. My father wants me to take over the business once I'm old enough so I've had to act mature a lot younger than I would have liked to, though I feel like I'm a normal teenager when I'm you Bella," He told me and I blushed. "Anyways, my father was negotiating a business deal with the Denali's another family. Carmen and Eleazar Denali had three daughters, though two of them are else where right now. The youngest, Tanya Denali was a spoiled self centered brat but was deeply cared by her parents. She was 16 and my father asked me to date her, to put in a good word with the Denali's. I, never being one to disobey, agreed much to my dislike. I dated her for about a month and that one month was sheer torture and at last the deal was made. Then I met you Bella and wanted nothing more than to hold you so I went to break up with Tanya but you chose that moment to barge in and saw her kiss me when she thought I was joking about breaking up. She is out of the picture now though so we don't have to worry about her." He added.

I nodded, then snuggled closer to him. He was so warm!

"I'm sorry." He said, leaning down to kiss her forehead.

"You're forgiven." I said then looked at him expectantly.

"What?" He asked.

"No apology kiss?" I grinned.

He grinned back then kissed my cheek but I wasn't having that. I turned my head and he ended up kissing her lips. We broke apart breathless. Literally.


"Yes?" I sighed.

"I love you." He told me and I felt my heartbeat pick up.

"I love you too." I said.

"No more secrets right?" He asked.

"No more," I replied holding out her pinky.

He smiled before locking pinkies.

"I like this place," He told me and I could tell he meant it.

"I like it too, it's comfy when I go to sleep."

"Bella, would you mind if I bought you a place to live?"

"Yes I do mind. I don't really like spending your money though you have done it a lot for me." I answered.

"Another time?" He asked hopefully.

No way was I letting him buy me a house but I shrugged then nodded for his sake.


What did you think?:) 5+ votes for next chapter! Might take a little long cuz I have a LOT of homework but I'll try to write as much as I can! I'm thinking of changing the title cuz love from the streets doesnt really fit the story that much. Can anyone think of another title? If so, comment and if I pick it I might dedicate the chapter to you!


Love from the streets- On Hold (IN NEED OF EDITING)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora