1K Celebration

370 11 15

Dedicated to sokidlove for being the first to read and vote on my bullshit saying shit about writing more shit. Also Anna86466 for being the second. Most of Clear's speech came from To This Day by Shane Koyczan.
Gone.... its all gone... All the stuff I wrote this morning is just gone.... Wattpad can take a flying fuck at a rolling donut for the SECOND time it's deleted part of this story. First time was when it was just a one shot in The Book of Yaoi. I'm just going to update what's left. Sorry.
Clear's POV
I awoke to find myself alone, cold and naked in my bed at Grandfather's house. Where was Noiz?

"No! You won't touch him!"

"Noiz, your being childish. He's not you're plaything. You don't own him."

"I do!! He's mine!! I will never hurt him like you did!!"

I heard arguing outside. The loudest, Noiz.

I reluctantly slid out of bed and found some clean underwear and a shirt before quickly pulling them on.

My eyebrows knitted together in confusion and concern as I headed outside to the loud voices.

"I'm gonna keep him safe... I love him... He needs me and I need him!!" Noiz's voice cried. I stood in the open doorway, shocked at who I saw.

Noiz's back was facing me and Aoba stood in front of him. Neither of them noticed me.

"No. Noiz. He needs me. I am his master. I set the rules. Get over it. You, don't even get me started. You don't even have emotions, so how the fuck would you honestly give two shits about some bastard robot you only met because of me? You're pulling my leg if you expect me to believe you actually care for a price of scrap metal like that." Aoba's voice was filled with venom.

"............" Noiz was silent.

"See? Your deadpan face can't care for that little shit. Your monotone voice is the best emotion you have and ever will, you freak of nature." Aoba spat.

"Y-you're wrong, Aoba-san." My voice was shaky as tears filled my eyes. How could he say such mean things?

"C-Clear!?!" Aoba said in shock. His eyes were wide as he stared at me in the doorway.

"Noiz is not a freak. Never has, never will. The only reason you think he is, is because all his life he's been told he's a monster, a freak, a weirdo, growing up believing no one would ever see him differently. That he'd be lonely, forever. To this day, despite finally finding someone who loved him for who he really was, he thinks he's a monster, because of a nerve disorder that affects his whole body. He's been told he's a wrong answer someone tried to erase but couldn't quite start. He's a broken branch thrown away from the family tree. His family love him, but are too afraid to face what they've helped turn him into. He escaped from one part locked away, the other part suffering. A personality made up of deadpan or monotone, the rest undecided. You have the audacity to say get over it? As if his pain and suffering could be fixed with the contents of a first aid kit. To this day he is a stick of TNT lit from both ends. Despite his newfound best friend and lover who calls him perfect, he remains a conversation piece for people who can't understand. Sometimes being perfect has less to do with your body and more to do with sanity. Life is like a big top circus tent, and the pecking order runs from acrobats, to lion tamers, clowns to carnies. All these labels, he's called a freak. An oddity juggling depression and loneliness. But at night, he walks the tightrope and yes, others might have fallen. All of this shit is just debris. Left over when he finally decides to smash all of the things he thought he was. And if you still can't see anything beautiful about him, look a little closer. Stare a little longer. Because there's something inside him that made him keep trying, despite everyone who told him to quit. He built a cast around his emotions and singed it himself. He signed it: 'They were wrong!!' Maybe he didn't belong in a group, or a clique. But he has to believe that they were wrong! They have to be wrong... Why else would he still be here? But his life will only continue to be a balancing act that has less to do with suffering, and more... to do... with beauty....." I subconsciously walked beside Noiz and locked my fingers with his.

Aoba stared at me in shock. I refrained from glancing at Noiz to stop myself from sobbing. My tears had already started falling though.

"Clear.... I'm so sorry.... I didn't think-" Aoba started.

"No. You didn't. You always speak your heart before running it by your brain for approval." I interrupted him coldly.

I felt Noiz grip my hand tighter, his other hand on my bicep as I pulled him behind me gently.

"Aoba!! Get your ass back home now!! I will beat you to a pulp if you bully Noiz again. Oh hey Clear, hey Noiz!" I saw Ren rush over as he scolded Aoba.

"Ren!! Good to see you!" I greeted.

"Sorry if Aoba said anything, he's supposed to be grounded, after hearing how he betrayed you from Koujaku, I took matters into my own hands and punished him. No sex for life and he is to be given regular beatings from Grandma Tae-san. With whatever cooking utensil she has on hand. That's actually the weakest punishments he gets." He sent a growl to Aoba. Is Aoba that slutty to need a sex ban?

"But Ren-kun... I need sex....." he whined, rubbing himself against Ren's crotch.

"No!! For that, I won't let you relieve yourself either. If I catch you I will beat you myself" Ren growled in reply.

"Why are you so mean?" Aoba whined.

"Me? Mean? Did you not realise why I'm punishing you in the first place?!? Home!! Now!!" He snarled.

"Are you leaving, Ren-san?" I asked ignoring the blue haired cunt beside him. I hate using that word but he deserves every letter.

"Yeah, sorry, I have to take dick muncher over here home. It was nice seeing you! Oh and Clear, your not wearing any trousers. Same to you Noiz, or a shirt." He waved, dragging Aoba by his hair.

I glanced over to Noiz. Ren was right!! All he was wearing was a pair of boxers!! I blushed, taking in his almost naked glory.

I felt his hand on my butt. Again? I'm still sore from last night!! Speaking of which I should clean up that bed. Ew.

"Thank you, Clear. That meant a lot, sticking up for me. Kinda hot, too!" He winked.

I smiled and leaned over to kiss his soft lips.

"No worries. I'm flattered, by the way. And sore so don't try any thing." I said, ending sadly.

"Upset that you can't get any until it stops hurting?" He smirks at me.

"Yes. Last night was too good." I winked.

He leaned over and kissed me passionately. Our tongues danced with each other, his tongue piercing occasionally clicking against my teeth.

His hands pulled me against him and held me protectively. My hands raked through his hair, tugging on it every so often.

"I'm glad you enjoyed, love" he smiled after breaking the kiss, leaning his forehead against mine. I smiled at his comment.

I gave him one last kiss before skipping back inside. I had a lot of cleaning to do.

I heard Noiz grumble some curses, obviously missing me already, as I pulled out some cleaning equipment. I giggled at how it long it took for that cutie to miss me. Not long apparently.

I pulled on some work clothes - blue dungarees covered in paint splatters and a black shirt - before starting in my room, where we did those rough things.... I blushed at my dirty thoughts.

Half way through cleaning, Noiz snuck in and wrapped his arms around me from behind.

"Noizu!!! I'm busy!!"

"Clear... I'm bored!!!! I miss you!!!" He whined.

I sighed and tried my best to finish cleaning with my boyfriend surgically attached to my back.

He Gives Me Feeling (Noiz x Clear DMMD)Where stories live. Discover now