Will This Work?

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Noiz's POV
I rushed in the house, straight to where Clear's body lay peacefully.

I dropped my bag beside the bed and immediately began taking off his shirt before pulling out some scissors.

I carefully slid the blade along his chest, opening it up so I could access his power terminal.

I pulled out a book about his internal wiring before opening the plate of metal covering the machinery with a screwdriver.

"First... cut this green wire... the red one... connect them..." I mumbled before sparks started flying everywhere as I tried to 'hotwire' his power generator.

Yes sparks, not enough to jump start his power.

I pulled out a pair of spark plugs and reached out of the window to the generator that lay on some dead grass. I proceeded to plug one end of the cable on the metal rod poking out of the electrical box and the other was used to clip onto a small bar inside Clear's chest.

"Shit! Big spark!" I panicked, patting out the patch of fire that sprouted on my sleeve.

I saw some gears twitch and turn, signs that whatever I'm doing is working.

My eyes widened when I saw him sit up, rather stiffly I might add.

"C-Clear... Clear!" I beamed, hugging him tightly. Something was wrong. Clear didn't hug me back. Clear wasn't warm...

I pulled back and looked at his blank face; his eyes were empty and dark; his mouth was straight, no warm smile; his face was pale and icey cold, like metal.

"Baby, please. It's me, Noiz!" I begged.

"..." he was silent.

"Clear, baby, come on!" I panicked, my eyes feeling slightly numb and throbbing.

His silence continued.

"No... no! I must have done something wrong..." I panicked as I reached for a book.

"... Error. Cannot locate Master Toue. Error 299634. Failed to compute. Error 3474. Database unreadable." I heard him say with a blank, robotic voice.

"Clear?" I asked. Maybe he's just booting up? Maybe that's why he took so long to even say anything?

"Citizen, I am number 322886. Would you be so kind as to contact Toue Inc and ask for a recovery team to collect me?" He continued.

"Clear, Toue is dead, remember? Aoba killed him to save the island." I stated.

"Citizen, it appears my memory recall is damaged. I have 'forgotten' some things. Could you identify yourself?"

"It's me, Noiz. I... am your friend. Your name is Clear." I hesitated.

"... Noiz. Could you please identify this 'Aoba'?"

"Well... he's your ex boyfriend and master. Then you caught him with Koujaku... Koujaku..." I trailed off, remembering that night.

He was silent for a moment.

"Do you have feelings for this 'Koujaku'? You speak of this person as if you remember someone you care about, deeply."

"Are you insane? Koujaku? Did you take a blow to the head- oh shit... you did didn't you?" I laughed, before giving him a cheeky smile.

"I took a blow to-" he started in question before I interrupted him, kissing him roughly.

When I pulled away, I saw him staring at me with wide eyes.

"N-Noizu!" He blushed.

Wait. He used to call me that.

"Clear? Do you... remember me?"

"Owowww! More or less... yeah... I'm feeling that now...owie!" He whimpered in pain, clutching where he got stabbed in the head.

"..." this time, it was me who was silent.

"N-Noizu... what happened?" He continued.

"Koujaku... He attacked you in the forest..." I growled.

"Bastard..." Clear sighed.

"Haha, that's the first time I've heard you swear when I'm not balls deep inside you, baby." I whispered into his ear with a smirk.

I watched in pride as my sweet, sweet Clear turned as red as a cherry.

"Noizu..." he mumbled, fidgeting.

"I feel deprived. You aren't going anywhere until I have my way with you, cutie." I smirked, climbing on top of him.

"W-wait... It already feels sticky down there... Noiz. Did you have sex with my corpse?!" He scolded.

"... For once, that wasn't me who tainted your innocence."

"Then who the hell is this!?" He pulls his hand out from under the blanket. It was covered in a cloudy white substance.

"Holy shit"

He Gives Me Feeling (Noiz x Clear DMMD)Where stories live. Discover now