Alone Again.

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Noiz's POV
I left Ren's apartment - He moved with Aoba from Tae-san's house because she couldn't get much sleep since the sex ban which caused Aoba to be extremely whiney and argued a lot - and headed straight to my place. Since the incident I've stripped the whole place of colour and no longer go to the bedroom.

Since then I only leave the house to go to Ren's apartment to have our weekly counselling session. It's helped a little. Not a whole lot, but, it's a start. Aside from it being where Clear lived, I don't go to his Grandfather's house because that's where his body is, on his bed... He looked like he was sleeping so peacefully...

Shaking these thoughts from my head, I opened the door and started my daily routine: vent, kick some shit, sleep for an hour or two and then start all over again.

I sat on the couch and let the tears finish rolling down my face as images of my sweet angel filled my mind.

"Why...? WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME ALONE!?" I screamed, standing up.

"WHY DOES EVERYTHING I LOVE LEAVE? NOT YOU TOO... I NEED YOU! I MISS YOU! I love you..." I screamed, kicking and punching the wall until there was a large hole in it. I leaned against the wall with my fists either side of my head as I cried for a few hours before falling asleep in a heap on the floor.

I dreamed of Clear. How life would be if he was still alive. I want him back so bad right now...

It didn't last long though. I haven't slept right for a few weeks now. My time with Clear is limited. It never lasts...

I need to see Ren. I can't cope on my own. I need someone to vent to. He always listens. He's a good friend...

I stood up and changed my shirt and brushed my teeth before running to Ren's apartment as soon as the door was locked.

"Ren! Open up! I need to speak to you!" I shouted, banging my fist on the door.

"Calm down! I'm coming!" He replied from the other side of the door.

I pushed my way in as soon as it was open.

"What's wrong?" He asked with concern.

"I can't do it. I can't be alone without him... I need you, Ren. You've always been there for me ever since I met you. I need you're help. Please. Before I do something stupid." I sigh, my eyes misting up.

He Gives Me Feeling (Noiz x Clear DMMD)Where stories live. Discover now