Too Much Hate

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“NICK! JOE! KEVIN!!!!!” I called into the bus, “Come on!!!! LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!” They came to the door.

“What’s the big rush, Jen?” Nick asked, glaring.

“You know what!” I said.

“Yeah yeah yeah,” Joe said.

“Yeah pretty boy is in town,” Kevin said.

“Fine! You stay here!” I said, “But him and I are never in the same city very often and I haven’t seen him in two months!”

“Yeah, two months of no Bieber,” Nick said, “Ahhh the good old days!”

“Nicholas! Don’t start!” I said, staring at my older brother, “Either come with me or stay here. Either way I’ll take Big Rob and I’m going to the airport to meet him! I can’t wait to surprise him.” Justin’s mom knew I was meeting him, but he had no idea. As far as he knew, he wouldn’t see me for at least another 6 weeks. They rolled their eyes and just looked at each other.

“Well, you go, take Rob with you!” they said in unison. Wow, that’s creepy when they do that.I just shook my head, smiling. It’s fine, I could care less. I was too excited to be brought down by their crabby-ness!

I hopped off the bus, found Big Rob and hopped into the SUV. The ride to the airport was crazy! His concert was the next day, so his songs were all over the radio and their were billboards announcing his arrival for the next day.

When we arrived at the airport I was escorted through the airport and before I knew it we were standing at the terminal, where he would come out, paparazzi flashing their cameras at me.

“Are you here to meet Justin?! How long has it been?” they shouted. I just ignored them, as Big Rob kept them at bay.

“Now arriving, flight 486 from Los Angeles,” the speakers said. I kinda squealed, and got extra nervous. I was beyond excited, bouncing out of my skin. After about fifteen minutes I heard screaming and things from upstairs. I knew it was him coming down, only time I ever heard that was around him or my brothers.

I waited as his mom, then Scooter, then him stepped onto the escalator. He seen the cameras, then Big Rob, then his eyes fell on me.

“JEN?!?!??!?!” he called, not sure it was me. He handed his bag to Scooter, racing down the escalator, not waiting for his bodyguard. He hit the bottom of the steps and just looked at me for a second.

“Are you really here?” he asked, “Tell me I’m not dreaming.”

“Hey Justy,” I said, smiling and with that he came running the rest of the way, picking me up in his arms, twirling me around.

“Oh my god,” he said, “I can’t believe your here!” He brushed my long brown hair behind my ear and just looked into my eyes. Those amazing brown eyes. Then he just kissed me, after two months, those amazing, full tasty lips hit mine. I kissed back as the cameras went crazy.

“I’ve missed you so much!” he said, then I got a good look at him.

“OMJ! Baby, you cut your hair,” I said, looking at where his blond locks used to be. He smiled.

“Do you like it?!” he asked. I nodded.

“I love it, it’s sexy,” I said, kissing him again, “I only have till about 6. Then I have to go back to the arena.”

“So you have 3 hours?!” he asked, his face saddened.

“I’m sorry baby,” I said, “But you know I can’t miss my brothers concert tonight.”

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