Chapter 8

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(Jen’s POV)


Oh god, this hurt so bad! What the hell was I thinking?! Why did I just walk away form Justin? Why didn’t I listen to him?! I sat there in tears watching Justin’s performance the night before. He was hurting so bad. God I loved him so much. I had to call him. I reached for my phone, but Nick came in.

“Hey,” he said, “What are you doing?” I smiled.

“I need to call Justin, he’s hurting so bad!” I said, “I can’t believe I didn’t listen to him. I need to know what happened.” He messed with his phone for a second, bringing something up.

“I don’t think that will matter now,” he said, tossing it in my direction. When I looked, I seen a picture of Jake and I kissing from the night before. OH GOD!

“Nicky, you didn’t,” I said, “You didn’t send this to him did you?!” He looked at his feet, “NICHOLAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE! HOW COULD YOU?!?!??!!” He flinched at my anger, and I just clenched my fists, and before I knew it my right fist connected with my older brother’s face.

“I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!” I shouted at him. I stomped past him down to the living room to toss myself into Dani’s lap, as she just rubbed my back. Now I’d never get him back.



(Justin’s POV)

I got up the next morning, getting ready to head to the airport, when my phone went off, a website sent to me by Scooter. I opened it and it showed Jen leavin Jake’s hotel room, without her purity ring. OH MY GOD! Did she? OH god, she did, she slept with him! OH my god, he laid with her, was in her, my girlfriend. He rubbed on her and kissed her, lord only knows where his lips and tongue have been. FUCKING BASTARD!

I took a deep breath and tried to calm down. I grabbed my phone and called Jen’s phone number, tears rolling down my face as I waited for her to answer it.

“JUSTIN!” her voice said, eagerly, “Oh god, Justin, baby, I am so sorry I didn’t listen to you!”

“You slept with him?!?!” I shouted into my phone.

“What?!” she said, “No, I didn’t why would you think that?

“I’m staring at it, you leaving his hotel, WITHOUT your purity ring!” I said.

“Oh, god, Justin,” she said, “I took it off to shower, forgot to put it back on! I would never ever slept with anyone! You know that!”

“Jen, please, I can’t stand this,” I said, “We’re either together or we’re not, and you doing whatever it was you were doing in his hotel room!”

“Justy,” she said quietly. God it felt good to hear her say that again, “I love you! Please? I want you, no one else! I never have!”

“I don’t know,” I said, “I just, I’ve been hoping praying for so long.” I sat down in a chair, rubbing my neck and head, placing my elbow on my knee and leaning forward.

“Justin, please,” she said, “I love you so much! Please believe me. It’s you and no one else!”She was crying now, uncontrollably.

“I-I can’t,” I said, ‘I just, I need time. I’ll call you when I get back to the states.”

“Justy, plea-” she started, but I hung up. I couldn’t stand the thought right now. Of him fucking her, kissing her, touching her in places I hadn’t even seen yet.


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