Chapter 11

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8 weeks came and went, panicking the entire time. I sat with Justin on the couch and his mom, she was the only one I could trust, in the living room waiting on this little test, for either two lines or one. Pattie picked it up looked at it and sighed, running her fingers through her hair. I was pacing the floor now, back and forth, because she was just silent.

“What is it?!” Justin asked, a look of fear clearly plastered on his face.

“Jennifer, your pregnant,” she said, looking at the two of us. I sat down next to Justin in utter shock. Well, maybe not shock, but disbelief. I was 17, this wasn’t happening to me. I looked at Justin. He just pulled me into his arms.

“It’s gonna be okay,” he whispered, “I’m here, mom’s here. It’s your family I’m worried about.”

“We tell Mom and Dad first,” I said, “Together, all of us, if you’ll come Ma.” Pattie nodded her head and smiled.

“Of course, dear,” she said. I smiled and we loaded up in the car and headed to my parents place. Luckily Mom and Dad were home and the boys were no where to be seen. Out back, studio maybe? Who knew.

All i knew was my parents were the easy ones. It was my brothers I was worried about. When we came into the house, me and Justin holding hands, mom not seeing my purity ring, and Pattie behind us, we didn’t even get to sit down before she opened her mouth.

“Oh my god,” she said, “Your pregnant!” I started to cry, but her and Dad came over to hug me.

“Darling,” Dad said, “It’s okay. This is why we try to get you guys to wait, but were here for you okay! We promise. We love you so much!”

“Yes, baby,” Mom said, “Nothing will ever change that! It’s your brothers you need to be frightened of.” Then as if on cue I heard the door open, and laughing. Oh no, here it comes. Nick, Joe, and Kevin came in, seen the scene in front of them and their fists clenched.

“You son of a bitch!” Nick said, coming over. Justin stood up to take the pending fight away from me.

“You got her pregnant,” Joe said, “DIDN’T YOU!?!?!?!” Justin looked at me, our parents and then back to them. Took a took breath and nodded. Nick came at him fists raised and Joe stopped him.

“Don’t,” he said, “He’s not worth it!”

“No, it’s okay I was expecting it,” Justin said, Bracing himself for a punch, “Just not the face.” Nick smirked, walked over and before anyone could react his fist connected with Justin’s face.

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