Chapter 3

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I woke the next morning to Pattie shaking me gently.

“Jen, sweetie,” she said, “You need to get up! It’s 5am! Breakfast then off to teh arena.” I groaned. 5 AM?!?!?!? I always forget this part of touring with Justin. He has radio stuff, rehearsal, meet and greets, sound check, then his show. I knew we were gonna have to have a talk, but I knew it was gonna be hard to do. I slowly got up, got my shower, dressed super cute, then we were out the door. Justin met me in the hall, locking his fingers with mine.

“Good morning,” he said, “You look gorgeous.” I blushed.

“Thanks baby,” I said, then got nervous, “Justy can we talk about yesterday?!” He looked at me concerned.

“I know I crossed a line, but I can’t help myself with you,” he whispered, trying to keep his voice low as we entered the elevator. I smiled.

“I know, but your mom said something to me last night that really struck me,” I said. He nodded for me to continue.

“Well, what do you think about?!” I said, “Just in general?!”

“Well, you,” he said, “You’re all I ever think about.” I sighed. I was afraid of that.

“Justin, we need to focus on US, not just the other person,” I said, “I mean I love you, I do, but shouldn’t we concentrate on where we wanna go, instead of the moment. I mean I don’t wanna do anything we’re not ready for.” He pulled me into a hug.

“I don’t know where we’re going,” he said, “All I know is I love you and I never wanna lose you.” I smiled up at him.

“Me too,” I said, smiling at him, “I just don’t wanna get caught up like that again.”

“Was it not okay?” he asked, looking down, “I mean did it not feel good.” I looked at him shocked.

“OH baby, of course it did,” I whispered, “Amazing, but I can’t cross that line!” He looked at me, taking my chin in his hand, and gently kissed my lips.

“Okay,” he said, after he pulled away.

“And,” I said, making it clear I wasn’t done, “I just, are we moving too fast?” He looked at me a little shocked.

“Jeny,” he said, “We’ve been together for six months and JUST said we loved each other. I mean I’d say we’re at a pretty good pace.”

“I just, I don’t wanna rush you,” I said.

“Your not rushing me,” he said, kissing me again, “I feel like I’m rushing you.” I smiled, kissing his lips gently.

“Your not,” I said, “I just can’t keep doing this playing, fooling around thing, till your sure!” He smiled, then in a husky voice surprised me, leaning into my ear.

“Baby, I... when your ready,” he said, “And you let me, I promise I’ll rock your world.” I blushed, and looked up at him.

“This being said for two virgins,” I whispered, kissing his lips.

“If I love you,” he said, “And you love me, it’ll be magical, whenever we decide to.” I nodded, his forehead rested against mine. This is why I love him, because he’s so considerate and never judges me for what I have to say. We enjoyed breakfast, stealing kisses and cornily feeding each other. I knew it was pushing it but I even licked syrup off his fingers, and him sucking whip cream off mine from my pancakes. He just gave me this weird look, his eyes all lit up. I knew that look so I had to giggle.

“Don’t even think about it Justy,” I whispered, kissing him just below his ear. He smiled and nodded, gently brushing my ass as I got up. I smiled and kept walking and as the day went on I knew my time was coming to an end soon and I hated it.


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