Chapter 2

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Angel's P.O.V

He ended up driving for thrirty minutes. As we got to the house he pulled up and parked his car. We both got out and knocked on the door. A somewhat tall man opens the door. He has shaggy dirty blond hair with icy blue eyes. "Hey Eddie! what's up?" says the man. "Hey Seamus! this is Angel"says Eddie. "oh hey Angel" says Seamus and holds out his hand to shake it. I shake his hand as me and Eddie walked in. The house was bigger than Eddie's house! My eyes were trying to examine everything in the house but sadly I couldnt. "Hey Angel" asked Eddie. "yeah?" I ask. "if you don't mind we are going to have to stay here,is that ok with you?" he says. "y-yeah I guess" I say. He giggles and gets up and goes to another room. Eddie comes back out with four more people. "Angel, I want you to meet Jordan,Seamus,James,and Aleks!" says Eddie. They all look at me and say hi. "h-hi " I say. They all came over and introduced theirselves. Jordan was the one who always had a red cap on. James has dark brown eyes with curly hair and a beard. I had already explained what Seamus looks like but they say he is always sarcastic. And lastly Aleks is pale and has chocolate brown,curly hair that sweeps over some of his face. "ok now lets have a all night stream, shall we?" asks Jordan. "sure" said everyone but me.

~time lapse until after the stream~

"Ok, now Angel we have a surprise for you" said Jordan. "w-what is I-it?" I ask shakily. The first thing I noticed was that they all have beanies on except Jordan, who has a cap on. I wonder why? I say too myself."I will go first" said Seamus. I look at him with a curious face to what he was going to do. he slowly takes off his beanie to reveal....ears! He fully takes the beanie off to expose his full ears. "a-are you all joking?. like really,are you pulling my leg?" I ask. "no Angel I'm not. To prove it, look closely at my ears" he says. I look a bit closer and I see him wiggle his ears. My eyes widen with shock. " I'm a gray shorthair." Says Seamus. All of them one by one except Eddie and Aleks take their beanies off. Jordan was a tabby so he had gray ears and a gray striped tail. And James is a white husky so he has black ears with a tip of white with a long black tail. "Eddie take your beanie off" I say. "Nope, Aleks has to do it first." said Eddie. "Dude I look funny" says Aleks as he grumbles in frustration. I giggle at that. "he was kind of cute" I thought. "fine I will take it off" says Aleks as he lifts the beanie off his head. On his head he reveals......Welsh Corgi ears! "awwww your so cute!" I say as I go over to him and scratch him behind his ears. 'D-don't do t-that" he says as his tail starts wagging back and forth. "ok I will take my beanie off,ok?" I say. I take the beanie off my head to show orange cute fox ears. everyone smiles at me as Eddie takes off his beanie. "this is what I am!" says Eddie "IM A FOX" he yells as he giggles. My eyes widen and my lips curve into a smile as my tail starts to sway back and forth. " So there you go! We are...The Creatures!" yells Eddie. " which lab did all of you come from?" I ask. "me and Seamus came from the lab in Orlando,Florida" says Jordan. "and I came from the Idaho lab, but they transferred me here." exclaims James. "And me and Aleks came from the Colorado lab!" says Eddie and giggles. I nod and smile." Ok, what does everyone want for dinner?. Hurry because I don't have a lot of time." says Jordan. " I want piazza !" says Eddie."it's pizza, not piazza u dumbass" says James. Jordan grabs his keys and walks out the door and drives off. "well,what does everyone want too do? Asks Seamus. "how about spin the bottle ?" I ask. "sure !" yells everyone in unison. As Seamus gets the bottle we all sit down in a circle. James goes first and spins the bottle. It spins and spins until it lands on......Eddie. "uh l-let me spin that again" stutters James as he scratches the back of his neck. "oh come on james, it's ok!" says Eddie. "KISS KISS KISS" we all chant. James gulps and Eddie giggles as they lean in until their lips connect. They let it linger for a few seconds then they pull back. I look over and see James face a tinted pink,while Eddie is smiling while his face is a dark red. "Now it's your turn" I say too Eddie. "Hehe ok" he says while he spins the bottle once more. That time Eddie had too kiss Seamus and that ended up getting a little awkward. O-Ok now it's my turn..right?" I ask. "yep" says Eddie. I gulp and twist the bottle. it goes round,round,round...then it stops on........Aleks. He looks at me with wide eyes and turns too the group. "d-do I have too kiss her?" he asks. "Uh yeah stupid!" says James. Both lean in and our lips touch. After a few seconds we pull back and take a breath. His lips were so soft and so gentle, I thought I wanted it too stop.....but I wanted it too last forever.


There u go! there's the second chapter!!! ^.^ vote for more!

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