Chapter 11

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Angel P.O.V

After playing Slender for about an hour, I stop the recording and edit it. After editing the video I put it on my channel. I sigh leaning back in my chair.

"What should I do now?" I ask myself in my head.

I get up from my chair and stretch , breathing in air.

I soon hear someone knock on my door. I walk to the door and open it, seeing Eddie stand there with a smile on his face.

"Hey babe" I say smiling.

"Hey. I wanted to know if you wanna go on a date? Ya'Know .. it would be our first date" he said blushing a bit.

"I would love too Eddie!" I say happiness in my voice.

"Just let me change" I say smiling.

He nods and skips back to his room.

I giggle slightly at his bubbly energy.

I close my door and walk to my drawer grabbing out a dress. I walk to my bathroom, shutting the door.

I turn on the water and strip down, stepping in.

~After shower~

I get out and go to my sink, grabbing some hair dye. I wet my hair and dye some of my hair purple.

~another small time lapse x3~

After I finish dying my hair, I

Slip on a nice red dress. I fix my hair, making it wavy. I quickly put on some light pink makeup, putting on some lip gloss too.

After putting on my mascera, and makeup, I spray on a bit of perfume.

I walk out of my bathroom, putting my clothes in my hamper.

I slip on some black heels, and look at myself in the mirror.

I soon look at my ears and sigh disappointed.

"How am I supposed to go to a restaurant with these ears?" I say.

I then hear someone knock on my door. I walk towards the door, my heels clinking along the hardwood floor.

I open it to see a very happy Eddie.

"Oh my gosh Eddie. You look so handsome" I say looking at him as he is wearing a black tux.

"You didn't have to dress like that" I say chuckling after.

"I wanted to look my best for you. And you look very very beautiful" he said smiling.

I blush slightly and say "thank you".

"Wait but Eddie .. how can we go to a restuarant with our ears and tails?" I asked him.

He just stood there and giggled.

"Well where we are going tonight is having a "Be any animal you want" night. We can act like we are animals. Everyone there will be dressed as an animal, like with the ears and tail" he said smiling.

"Oh ok. Well that's good. But where are we going?" I asked.

"It's a surprise, now lets go babe" he said holding out his arm.

I giggled and we interlocked our arms as we walked downstairs.

"Where are you two lovebirds going?" asked Aleks, standing by the kitchen.

"We're going on a date" said Eddie smiling.

"You two have fun" said Aleks.

Before we left out of the house, Aleks walks over to Eddie and whispers something into his ear.

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