Chapter 12

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Angel P.O.V

2:32 pm.

I wake up, my eyes fluttering open. I sit up slightly, and rub the sleep out of my eyes. I look down too see I'm naked. I blink a few times, a blank expression on my face. Then I remembered all the memories that happened last night.

All I really remembered was us having the date, then me and Eddie fucking. I yawn and throw the covers off my body, as I put my feet on the floor. I get up and stretch, hearing the pop in my back. My tail slightly sways back and forth as I walk to my closet, grabbing out some clothes.

I walk into my bathroom and shut the door, locking it, knowing I have no privacy in the house. I turn the water on to warm, and strip down, stepping in the shower.

~Time skip yo~

I turn the water off after I clean myself off. I step out of the shower and grab a towl, drying my body off. I grab my "Touché Amore" shirt, slipping it on after I put on my bra. I put on my panties, along with my jeans after. I fix my hair and brush my teeth before walking out of the bathroom, setting the clothes in my hamper, that was empty. Someone apparently kept doing my laundry.

I walk out of my room, skipping down the stairs, and into the kitchen to see Miranda sitting at the table, eating some toast and reading a magazine.

"Hey gurl" I say walking past her, and opening the fridge, grabbing out a water.

"Oh hai Angel" she said, without looking up from the magazine.

"Whatcha readin?" I ask curiously, taking a sip of my drink.

"Oh, I'm reading something about some celebs" she said looking up at me and smiling, her panda ears twitching a bit.

I nod and slightly pet her head, as I walk to the couch, and turning on the television.

It instantly flicks on to a news channel. I relax as I listen to what the person on the screen has to say.

"Currently a woman, that has the looks of a fox, was seen recently in Colorado, on the streets" said the man on the screen.

My heart beat started to race, as I slightly panicked.

"It couldn't be me. It had to of been someone else" I say in my head as I watch the screen.

"She appeared to look like this" said the man as I picture popped up on the screen.

"Oh my fucking god" I gasp as I sit there, staring at the screen, as it showed me upon it.

"Shit shit shit shit shit" I panicked.

"The police are currently looking for the female. She was pronounced to be a hybrid. She is 5'7 feet tall, with long dark brown hair. If you see her, call this number" said the man.

My mind had comepletely went blank. What if they capture me. I will go back to the lab.. or or or even die!!

All that went through my mind was that, We have to move out of this house, and OUT of this state.. now before we all get caught ..


.. Damn .. this chapter sucked ass. But it's whatever.. I tried, bc I thought I should've made a chapter for you all yesterday.. and I didn't. But there will be better to come.. hopefully.




An follow if ya want! (:

Bai my space cats! Space cats, Moveeee Out! *salutes you all*

Bai!~Angel :3

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