Chapter 6

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Angel P.O.V

We all get in the car and put on our seat belts. Im sitting in the passenger side while Miranda sits in the back and James in the driver seat. James soon starts up the car and starts to drive off.

~time lapse~

Once we reach the hospital I get out and look around admiring the sky and the birds around. I smile as I go into thought until someone taps on my shoulder.

"Come on Angel. We gotta go see Seamus" said Miranda.

I turn around as I snap out of my thought. I nod as we all walk in through the hospital doors. I instantly get the smell of disinfectant and coffe. I walk up to the counter to see a woman in her mid-fourties sitting in a chair typing on the computer in front of her.

"Excuse me ma'am" I say trying to snag her attention.

"Yes dear?" She replied looking up from the screen showing the glare from the bright screen upon the lens of her glasses.

"I would like to know where Seamus O' Doherty's room is" I say politely.

The woman looks back down to the screen supposedly typing in his name searching for his room number. A few brief moments later she looks back up and smiles.

"He is in room 132 on the second floor" said the woman.

"Thank you very much" I say flashing a half smile. She nods as her attention goes right back to the computer. I walk back to Miranda and James clasping my hands together flashing a small smile.

"He's in room 132 on the second floor" I say.

"Well lets not waste any time now, lets go!" said James quickly springing up from his seat. He adjusts his beanie back to it's original spot as it almost fell off as he got up. Miranda gets up also giggling at James.

All of us walk to the elevator and walk in.

"Can I press the button please please please!" begged Miranda.

I roll my eyes playfully and nod. Miranda giggles as she presses the button on the wall. Seconds later we hear a ding and the walls of the elevator open showing us to the second floor.

We step out of the elevator to smell a strong scent of coffe and muffins. I hear James's stomach growl as we walk a few steps.

"James we will get something to eat soon" I say chuckling a bit.

"But I want food noww" he whines.

I turn around to see Miranda whisper something in his ear. I hear him groan a bit and nod signaling he gets what she said. I turn back around and walk trying to find room 132. I quickly spot it speed walking towards the door. I open the door peeking my head in looking to see if any doctors are in the room.

I see none so we all walk in the room to see Seamus laying in the bed currently watching tv. I smile and walk towards him until James speeds past me getting to Seamus first.

"SEAMUS" said James engulfing Seamus in a hug.

"J-James.... let loose on the hug...y-your gonna kill me" choked out Seamus trapped in James's death grip.

James quickly lets go letting out a quick sorry stepping back. I walk over to Seamus sitting down in the chair next to the bed. He looks me in the eyes and half smiles. That gives me the small message.

I turn to Miranda and James moving my hand pointing to the door signaling that this is important and private. They quickly notice as they scurry out of the room.

I turn back to Seamus letting out a sigh.

"Angel .. I wanted to say I'm deeply sorry for kissing you. I know I shouldn't of done it, knowing you were with someone. I-It's just ... I love you and I miss us" said Seamus taking a breath.

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