Chapter 9

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Angel P.O.V

I wake up, sitting upright in my bed. I yawn and rub the sleep out of my eyes.

I fling the covers off me, scooting off the bed. Once my bare feet touch the hardwood floor I shiver.

I get up and open my blinds, sunshine instantly shining into my room and my eyes.

"Ow fuck!" I say sun almost blinding me. I blink my eyes a few times and walk to my drawer lazily picking up some clothes.

I walk to the bathroom shutting and locking the door. I turn on the water and strip down.

After I put my shower cap on too cover my ears, I step in the shower and start to wash off.

~time lapse till after le shower~

I shut off the water and walk out taking off my shower cap, my hair falling down to my waist. I dry myself off and put on my bra and my panties.

I pick up my "Pierce The Veil" shirt and put it on. After I do that I slip on some black jeans along with a black checkered belt.

I fix my hair eventually putting it into a messy bun. I walk out of the bathroom, putting my clothes in the empty hamper.

"Hm. I guess someone did my laundry. Well that was nice I guess" I say shrugging.

I walk out of my room and downstairs too see Aleks playing some COD. I wasn't looking as I stepped a bit to the kitchen.

Before I knew it Miranda bumped into me with a hot bowl of soup. She ended up spilling it on my shirt.

"What the fuck?! THIS IS MY FAVORITE SHIRT" I yell anger in my voice.

"I-Im sorry Angel" said Miranda apologetically, looking down.

I sigh and rub my temples.

"It's .. ok. Just never mind. It was my fault, I wasn't looking where I was going" I say bending down picking up the broken peices of bowl that was on the floor.

She nods and helps me throwing the other peices in the trash.

I skip back upstairs walking into my room quickly changing into my "Black Veil Brides" shirt, and slipping on some black vans.

I slip on a twitch hoodie and walking downstairs and out of the door, with my hood over my ears.

I start walking down the sidewalk moving past the people that were in my way.



I soon find myself standing In front of a skate park. I walk into it watching some guys skate.

A few minutes later a group of teenage guys come up to me, standing in front of me.

"Can I help you boys?" I ask.

"Yeah. You can suck this dick!" one of the say, the rest of the laughing after.

"Oh wow. How stupid. I take it that this one is the leader" I say in my head.

"Ok pretty boy. I got one thing to tell you. Fuck.Off" I say walking away a bit.

Instead of leaving me alone .. they follow me.

"Hey hey hey. Hold on baby" said the leader of the group.

I stop in my tracks turning around on my heels facing them.

"What. The fuck. Do you want bitch?" I ask venom in my voice.

"I told you to suck my dick. Do I have to tell you slower for you to understand?" he asked snootily smirking.

I smirk and look at him.

"Ok. Come with me then" I say smiling evily.

The boy looks shocked but gives his skateboard to his friends and walks with me.

I soon drag him too a alleyway.

"Ok baby. We gonna get it started or what?" he asked.

I nodded getting down on my knees. I look up at him and he already has his eyes closed.

Little did he know I'm sure as hell not sucking his dick, but he's gonna have pain when he pisses for awhile.

I pull down his pants and boxers trying to keep my face away from his cock.

"Oh this boy is gonna get it" I say in my head.

I quickly reach in my pocket pulling out a condom. I always keep these In case I need them.

"I'm not gonna suck... but I'm gonna bite it because he deserves to feel pain for being how he is" I say in my head.

I quickly slip the condom on him, hoping he didn't feel it.

I gulp, not wanting to touch his dick, even if it has rubber on it.

I take a deep breath, ready to do this.

I open my mouth almost getting my lips around his cock.

After a second I quickly bite down hard on his dick, making him immediately scream.

I quickly take my mouth off his dick and getting up off my knees.

He falls to his knees groaning in pain.

I laugh and walking off out of the alleyway and back into the skate park.

"God that was horrible, but he deserved it. But man am I mean" I say in my head laughing a bit.

I look up to the sky, noticing the sun is setting. I end up jogging my way back home, wanting to get inside and eat something.

Once I reach the house and open the door to see James, Seamus, Miranda, Jordan, Eddie, Dan, and Aleks sitting down in the living room, about to start a movie.

As I close the door they all turn their attention towards me.

"Wow. You all were gonna start a movie without me. Damn" I say taking off my hoodie and setting it down on the counter.

I take off my shoes and walk into the living room sitting down on Eddie's lap.

"Can we start the movie now?" asked Jordan.

"Mhm" I say smiling.

"Love you bb" said Eddie giggling slightly.

"Love ya too" I say leaning back onto him as he wraps his arms around me as Jordan starts the movie.


Herro there. Here's another chapter for yu all ^_^ I hope ya like it!




An follow if ya want! (:

See ya next time mah fluffs ...or space cats!

Bai!~Angel ;3

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