Chapter 4~Mall Fun

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Angel P.O.V

I wake up too the sound of an alarm clock. " What the bloody hell? I say as I get up and shut off the alarm. I yawn and stretch as I lift my self up off the bed. I walk groggily too the kitchen and look through the pantry. I grab out a box of Cheerios, and I get a bowl and milk. I yawn as I walk too the couch and sit down. I turn on the TV to Regular Show and start too munch on my breakfast. My fox ears cringe as I hear the boys yell from the other room. I put down my cereal and stomp into the room where they are at. " What ... The ... Fuck you guys. Can you be a bit quieter?" I ask in a frustrated tone. " Yeah sorry Angel" said Jordan. " We will be quieter" he said. I nod my head as I start too walk back into the living room until I bump into Miranda. " Oof" I say as I stumble too the ground. " Oh sorry Angel. I didn't see you there" said Miranda as she flashes a cheesy smile. I get too the couch and finish up my breakfast and put the bowl in the sink.

" Hey Angel. I was wondering if we could go somewhere today?' asked Miranda. " Sure, Why the hell not. Im not doing anything today." I said. " Ok then. How about the mall?" asked Miranda. " Ok but lemme get some clothes on" I say as I walk too my room. " Hmm, what should I wear today for the mall?" I ask myself. I just shrug and pull out a " Slyfoxhound is my favorite creature" shirt, and some blue ripper jeans. I slip my clothes on and put on my shoes. I walk into the living room too see Miranda already dressed and ready too go. " Ready?" She asked. " Hold on. Im gonna see if Eddie and James could go with us" I said. Miranda shakes her head yes as her face turns a bright pink. " Hm. I think she may like James" I say too myself. I chuckle as I walk too the game room where they are all playing. " Hey babe. I was wondering something" I said as I put my arms around eddies neck. " Yeah Angel?" asked Eddie as he put the controller down. " Can you and James come with me and Miranda too the mall today? please" I asked as I gave him puppy dog eyes. " Aw ok babe" said Eddie as he put on his shoes and slipped on a purple beanie. I grab my blue beanie and Miranda grabbed her panda beanie. " Panda roollllll out!" said Miranda as she skipped too the car.Me, James and Eddie chuckle as we watch Miranda being silly. Eddie hops in the drivers seat and me in the passenger seat as Miranda and James sit in the back. " Ok homies, lets head too the mall!" yelled Eddie as we drove too the mall.

~Time lapse too le mall~

As Eddie parks the car me and Miranda get out. " Ok. Are we going too split up or what" I asked. " We need too have a buddy system" I said. " ME AND ANGEL SHALL BE PANDA BUDDIES" yelled Miranda. " shush Miranda. We will be together and Eddie and James will do their own stuff" I said as we walk into the mall. " As I see the boys walk of me and Miranda look at the central map. " Ok Miranda. Where do you want too go first?" I ask. " GameStop" she said. I nod my head as we walk too the GameStop store.

We walk in the store too see all kind games there. " Wow. I haven't been here in awhile" I say as I look around. I walk over too a section that is labeled " Call Of Duty" I skim through the games until I find 'Call Of Duty Ghosts'. I pick it up and continue too walk around the shop. I walk up too the cashier desk too have four games, Two new consoles, a new mic, and a new game for Seamus. It all payed out too $183.65. " Damn. This is alot of fucking money" I say. I pay for the stuff and get out too find Miranda at a petting zoo. I see her sitting on the floor with a baby panda cub in her hands while she is talking to it. I shake my head and walk over there. " Hey Miranda. Are you having fun talking too a panda?" I ask her. " Im havin so much fun chatting with him. I called him Bob. Uncicorn Bob. I'm going too tape a little stick too his head to make him look like a unicorn panda!" said Miranda as she giggled. " Miranda. You have too put him back." I say. " b-but I-I want him!" she says as her eyes start too tear up. " Ugh. Fine. You can keep him, but you have too take GOOD care of him. He is a panda." I say to her. She squeals with joy as she jumps up with " Bob" in her hands and skips too the desk too pay for him. " Ok Miranda. Go find Eddie and James. They should be in the center of the mall right now. I have too go get something else" I say. She nods her head and skips off too find the guys.

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