Chapter 14

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Wade put on his usual hoodie and jeans, and let Andy use a different sweatshirt to hide her face and hair in the hood. She wore a large pair of sunglasses to hide the top half of her face.

He took them to a run down shooting range that looked sketchy overall. There was no one else there, just lines of targets and dummies, along with other old training equipment.

She looked around, and Wade handed her a small hand gun.

"Let's start with this. Stand facing the target, feet shoulder width apart. Brace yourself for the recoil. Aim, and squeeze the trigger." He positioned her arms and hands so they were in good form, and stepped back.


She pulled the trigger, the bullet lodging itself about a foot from the target on the left side. She frowned.

Wade smiled. "Hey, don't worry about it. If this was real, you would have only screwed us over a bit. And by a bit, I mean one of us would have ended up with a bullet or a knife in our flesh."

She rolled her eyes. "Funny. How do I hit the target?"

"By aiming. Aim more towards the right."

She shot again, hitting the very edge of the target. She looked at Wade, waiting to hear his reaction.

"Not bad. I'll make a fighter of you in no time."

Andy nodded, and focused all her attention on the target. She held the gun up, and fired. She willed the bullet to hit the middle, which it did. Wade nodded, looking impressed.

"That was pretty good. How'd you manage that?"

She looked at the gun in her hand, then at him.

"I just sort of... told it what to do? that I wanted I to hit the center."

He grinned. "Cool power. What else can you do with it?"

"Honestly? I have no clue. I was in treatment for so long, I could have gotten any number of abilities. The ones I have found seem to all have to do with mindpower. I should give telekinesis a shot."

He nodded. "That would be awesome. And helpful. Anyway, how about we try some hand to hand combat?"

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