Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Rythm of Love

"Follow me. I can't wait to tell my dad!" I say excitedly as I walk out of the door. I wait until Kaz walks out I lock the door. We walk side by side until I stop at my house. I unlock the door and say,"Dad! I'm home and I've got really good news!" My dad walks out of the kitchen with cheese all over him. "Dad what happened?" I ask as he picks the cheese off of himself. "I wanted nachos." he says with a shrug and a small smile. I facepalm myself and say,"Wow dad. Anyway I got a job!" He pulls me in for a bear hug, but lets go when he sees Kaz. "Rosy? Who is this?" my dad asks slowly. I faceplam myself again and say,"This is my boss, Kaz." I turn to Kaz and say,"Kaz this is my dad, Theodore." They shake hands and I say,"Dad I have a place to stay, a car, and a closet full of clothes!" He hugs me again and says that he's proud of me and my mom would be too. Kaz clears his throat and says that we should leave. I give my dad a hug before I leave.

As we're driving Kaz asks,"I don't mean to be rude, but what happened to your mother?" I take a deep breath and say,"After I finished high school my mother was murdered. She never made it to my graduation ceremony." I wipe a tear from my cheeck that fell and hope that he didn't see. "That's why you didn't come to the after party." Kaz mutters to himself and I say,"What was that?" He pales a little and says,"Oh nothing. Just curious that's all." I nod my head and look out of the window as we keep driving.


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