Caught Once More

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Hi there :)

So here's another little story. I know I probably shouldn't do this as I still haven't finished my last but oh well. But I've kind of lost hope for my other one. You get me.

Anyway, I'm not going to promise regular updates and whatnot but go ahead and give it a read if you want...hope you like it!


(Alexa's POV)

Took them long enough, I snickered to myself as the cop car pulled up beside me. The door opened and a young man with square glasses stepped out.

"Are you Alexa Hale?" he asked, squinting.

I shrugged, "maybe," and removed the lollypop stick from between my teeth as if it were a cigarette. I smiled to myself as he frowned. My 'bad ass' character was one of my favourites. Ever since I was little and watched my first ever movie with real people in it, I was in love with the idea of impersonating different characters. At the orphanage when I was about nine or ten, my best friend Ethan and I would re-enact a scene from our all-time favourite movie, Grease. We loved singing and dancing along to the soundtrack as well and we were always putting on shows for the other kids at the orphanage.

"I'm sorry but you've got to come with me." I ignored his outstretched arm and glanced anxiously around. Ethan still wasn't back. He went to the fish and chip shop about half an hour ago with the twenty dollar bill he found in the gutter.

The reason we're out on the streets in the first place was because last week, Ethan and I decided to run away from our orphanage after he was beaten by one of the carers when he was caught sneaking to my room one night. The next morning, after breakfast, we made a run for it and never saw the place again. I guess they must've sent the police to look for us. So, they beat the kids but they still care enough to send out a search party if they go missing? Fair enough.

"Alexa, please . . . you need to come with me." The cop's voice interrupted my thoughts. I can't leave without Ethan. I cast another wary look down the street to see Ethan hurrying towards us. The cop took a piece of paper out of his coat pocket and held it up to his face.

"And you must be Ethan Shaw?" he asked once Ethan arrived at my side with a paper bag full of hot chips in his hands.

"That's right." Ethan said curtly.

"Right. Well I've got to take you to your new home now. So, if you please . . ." he gestured towards his car. Ethan and I exchanged a look before grabbing our bags and slipped into the back seat.

"So, guys," the cop said once he started the engine, "have you ever been to Lewiston?"

"Lewiston?" Ethan perked up. "Aren't we staying in Bridgeton?"

"Um, no . . . the carers at your old centre believe it would be better if you guys stay at a different place for the time being and – uh – the only other orphanage willing to take you on was at Lewiston." I heard him cough in the front seat, "but on the plus side, I heard there's a really nice little adoption centre there for you. You'll love it."

"Hmph," was all I said and Ethan stared out the window.

About an hour later, the cop pulled into the car park of this disgusting looking red brick building. There were about fifty little square bared windows, all lined up neatly in rows, on the wall and I swear I saw someone staring down at me from one of them on the top row.

I gulped as we got out of the car and followed the cop into the building. We came into large spacious square room with a long desk in the centre. An old woman with tiny half-moon spectacles sat behind the desk.

"Can I help you?" she asked when we stepped closer.

The cop cleared his throat. 'Um yes. I have Alexa Hale and Ethan Shaw here . . ."

The woman smiled. "Ah, I've heard a lot about you two. Come this way please."

She told the cop he could leave and led Ethan and I to a long hallway behind the desk. The doors on each side of the hall had their paint scratched off or their hinges loose. Easy to break out of. I smiled.

A little girl peered out of a door towards the end of the corridor. The woman shot her a look and she immediately hid back in her room.

We arrived at an elevator and the woman stepped inside it. She pressed the button for the third floor when the doors closed around us and the floor started to rise. It was the scariest elevator I've ever been in, the floor shook as it travelled up in the walls. It was like bad turbulence in a plane and to make it even creepier, the lights flickered on and off. Finally, after what seemed like forever, the lift shuddered to a stop and the doors slid open. We stepped out onto the third floor and continued down this hall until she stopped at room 65.

"Alexa, welcome to your new home. You'll be here for a while so get comfortable." She said, unlocked the door and motioned for Ethan to follow her. He gave me a small smile as he disappeared down the corridor with the woman.

"Yeah right." I muttered and closed the door behind me. The room looked absolutely horrible. A bed sat in one corner with nothing but a very uncomfortable looking mattress and a moth-eaten sheet.

A small wooden desk sat against the wall next to the bed and a closet beside that. There was a tiny barred window above the desk that looked out at the parking lot.

The best thing in this whole room was crappy little box TV that sat on the corner of the desk. I sighed as I took in my surroundings. This was not going to be fun.

With nothing better to do, I took out my little shitty mobile they gave us at Portland and sent Ethan a text.

Me: How far away is your room to mine?

He didn't reply until five minutes later.

Ethan: Not that far. Sorry for the late response, that lady was still around telling off some little kid who was playing in my room and something told me she wasn't too fond on mobile phones

Me: True. Do you think you could come over? I'm bored shitless

Ethan: Sure. Be there in 10

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