It's Official

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(Alexa's POV)

"What do you say?"

I stared at her, mouth slightly agape. Los Angeles? She wanted me to move with her to Los Angeles? She actually wanted me to live with her? After some thought that previous night, I realised that moving in with her is what I really wanted – if she asked of course. Which she now has and I could barely contain my excited smile.

"You really want me to live with you?"

Anna nodded and I noticed a tear forming in her eye. "More than anything."

I smiled, "I'd love to. When do we leave?"

Her eyebrows shot up. "Really? You'd move to L.A. with me?"

I nodded and she pulled me into a hug. "Thank you." I heard her sniffling over my shoulder. It seemed crazy to me that Anna Kendrick, the woman I've idolised for years is crying because of me. She seemed so strong and unfazed by anything.

She sniffed once more and let me go. "My flight home isn't until Friday so if you wanted to come back with me this week, I can book you another ticket. Or if you'd like a few weeks to say goodbye or whatever then I can fly you down then too. It's up to you."

"Friday. I can come Friday."

Anna smiled again. We finished our lunch and headed back to the car. It was getting into late afternoon by now and Anna decide to drive me back to the orphanage.

"Will I see you again before Friday?" I asked once we pulled up in front of the familiar building.

"Well tomorrow I'm visiting my brother and his wife. So I guess that'll give you a day to pack and say goodbye. And then I'll pick you up early Friday and we'll head straight to the airport." She smiled and put a hand on my shoulder. "I'll come in and sign the adoption paper work."

I waited patiently behind Anna as she spoke to the front desk lady. The lady continuously looked over and smiled at me while Anna leant over the desk and filled out the forms. When she finished, she stepped back and hugged me again. I really didn't expect her to be such a hugger.

"Okay, everything's filled out. As of Friday, you're mine."

I smiled and she pulled back, hands still on my shoulders. "I look forward t–"

The sound of heavy footfalls coming down the stairs interrupted me.

"Alexa, hey, is this your – oh, my god!" Ethan's voice rang out from behind me. I slowly turned around. His eyebrows were so high on his forehead, they nearly reached his hair line. His eyes were as wide as saucepans and his mouth was open in an 'O'. Like I said, he's a pretty big fan. I instantly felt Anna stiffen next to me. I never realised she was this conscious about her fame. Suddenly I felt embarrassed. I tried to hide it my smiling reassuringly at her.

"Um, Anna, this is my friend Ethan. Ethan this is Anna . . ."

Anna smiled at Ethan but I could tell she was a little reserved. "Hey . . . Ethan."

Ethan's mouth remained agape and he began muttering 'oh my god' over and over again. Jesus, man up dude. I didn't realise he'd be this weird about it. I broke from Anna's grasp and stopped in front of him.

"Ethan!" I hissed. "What are you doing? Stop being weird."

His eyes snapped to mine and he stopped muttering. "Sorry, Al. But Jesus! You never told me your mother is Anna Kendrick!"

"Yeah because I thought you were going to freak her out. Which, obviously, I was right."

Ethan grinned sheepishly. "Ah, sorry. You're right, I'll stop."

I moved back over to Anna to give her one last hug and say goodbye. Ethan stared as she waved goodbye, left the admin and got in her car. I rolled my eyes and dragged him back up to my room by his arm.

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