Nothing Better Than Family

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(Alexa's POV)

"Well I'm glad we did this." She said an hour and a half later as she pulled up in front of the orphanage, after we'd ordered a sandwich each and conversed in a slightly less awkward manner than before.

"Yeah, it was pretty cool." I said.

She turned in her seat so she was looking at me. "So, um, well I totally understand if you don't but . . . here's my number if you want to do this again or need someone to talk to or something. Wow I'm really bad at this." I smirked and she laughed. "I guess all I'm trying to say is, I don't want to stay out of your life anymore and if you'll let me, I want to be your mother again."

I blinked as she handed me a tiny piece of paper. How the hell can she expect to respond to that? This woman has just re-entered my life after 14 years of abandonment.

"Think about it, okay?" Her arm reached and patted me on the shoulder. I clenched my jaw and tried to smile. "Want me to walk you in?"

"Um, I'm fine. But thanks," my voice was still a little monotone from the shock. I left the car. As I walked the short distance to the front door, I turned to see Anna leaning against her car. A small - sad even - smile on her face. She rose an arm to wave me off. After a second, I returned the wave and entered through the orphanage doors.

(Anna's POV)

Overall, I think it was a success. She wasn't hostile, she spoke to me a bit and she smiled a few times. At this point in time, I couldn't have asked for more.

I decided to stay in Maine for a few days while I was here. I hadn't seen my family in over a year so some catching up was well overdue. Lewiston was a 50-minute drive to Portland where my parents lived. I would stay with them for the next four nights and hopefully, within that time, I'd get a call from Alexa. My hopes weren't high though.

An hour later, the familiar scene of my childhood street came into view. Not much had changed since I was last there. The houses were the same, the park across the road was still there. I pulled into the drive. My parents were already out the door before I even cut the engine.

As soon as I stepped out of the car, my mom was all over me. I choked out my greetings and we made our way inside the house. This had been my home since I was seventeen, so it was always nice coming back.

"So, how is she?" My mother asked after we'd settled and drank coffee at the kitchen counter. She had her chin propped up her elbow which gave off the impression of an excited teenager.

"She's beautiful, mom." The smile that appeared when I saw her for the first, returned once more. Mom smiled and my dad put his arm around her.

"So, when do we get to meet her?" he said with a grin.

I scoffed. "Hey, she barely agreed to spending lunch with me, I don't think she's ready to meet the rest of the family just yet. I gave her my number before I dropped her off. I hope she'll let me see her again."

"It's okay, Anna. Just give her time. She'll realise you're better than the orphanage soon enough."

I smiled again, "I hope so."

My brother came over for dinner that night and we spent the night playing board games - just like old times. All the while I kept one hopeful eye on my phone.

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