Learning to Love

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(Anna's POV)

I could feel my heart catch in my throat as my phone started buzzing. An unknown number. Could it be her? I tried not to let my excitement get the better of me as I anxiously picked up.

"Hello?" I barely recognised my own voice.


All at once I let out the breath I'd been holding in one big sigh of relief. It was her. I'd only known her for an afternoon, but her voice was etched into my brain. I'd recognise it anywhere.

"Alexa. You called, thank God," I let out a nervous chuckle. I honestly didn't think she'd call at all, let alone a few hours later. My family paused mid game and looked up expectantly. I smiled and nodded and my mom began to cry. She's like that.

Alexa paused on the other line. Finally, she spoke.

"Yeah . . . it's just . . . I mean, I know you're probably busy or on your way home or whatever . . . but I just thought, if you were to leave and I'd never see you again . . . I'd be pretty bummed."

Now it was my turn for the waterworks. "Of course, Alexa. I don't leave Maine till Saturday. I'll be in Portland for the rest of the week so if you wanted to meet up again, I'll be there in no time."

There was another pause. "I'd like that. Can you come tomorrow?"

"Yes of course, when?" I couldn't stop smiling. "Tell you what, I'll pick you up at 10 and we'll go anywhere you want."

She laughed, "I'll see you at 10."

With that she hung up. I put down the phone and turned to my family, grinning from ear to ear.

"She wants to see me again. I'm going back to Lewiston at 10."

(Alexa's POV)

The phone lingered next to my ear for some time before I finally out it down.

"She's coming tomorrow," I told Ethan with a smile. "She'll pick me up at 10."

Ethan pulled me into another reassuring embrace. "See? I told you to trust me. There's no way she wouldn't want to spend another day with you."


"Can you stop?" Ethan's voice interrupted my anxious thought stream. I chuckled nervously as I looked up from my watch for about the hundredth time in an hour. It was the five past ten the next morning and Anna still hadn't arrived. "She'll get here soon enough. Don't worry."

I tried to smile, "you're right. I'm sorry." I slid off the bed and made my way to the window, overlooking the front drive of the orphanage. As usual, the visitors' carpark was empty. I sighed and turned back towards the room. As soon as I did, I heard the unmistakable sound of tires on gravel. My head snapped around to see Anna's car pulling into a spot. I couldn't help the smile appear on my face.

"She's here."

It was all I could do not to run down to the administration right then and there. I still wasn't sure why or how my attitude towards this situation changed like a flick of a switch, but I didn't care. Just the prospect of having a mother again, I guess.

"Want me to come down with you?" Ethan asked, interrupting my thoughts. My 'of course' froze in my throat. I still hadn't told him who she was and I wasn't sure how he'd react. I knew I had to tell him soon but for the time being, I wanted to keep this little secret to myself.

"Oh, no, that's okay . . ." I racked my brain for an excuse but none came to mind. He frowned and I instantly felt bad.

"Oh, right, sure. I'll be up here then." He smiled.

At that point, a small knock sounded on the door, signifying the front desk lady was ready for me.

I shot Ethan another smile. "I'll be back soon . . . ish."

"Have fun," he said with a grin and waved me off. I met the front desk lady out in the hall and she led me down to the lobby – just like yesterday.

Anna rose from the dingy chair as we entered. Her smile today was much wider and less wary. I grinned in response and I could tell she was pleased.

"Thank you," she nodded to the front desk lady and I followed her out to her car.

"So," she began once we were pulling out of the lot, "where do you want to go?"

I glanced at the clock on the dashboard; 10:15.

"Honestly, I don't care. What time do you have to take me back?"

"Whenever you want." Anna clicked her tongue as she gave way to traffic. She was just about to pull out when a black Toyota sped up, causing her to slam on the breaks. "Jesus Christ, you totally could've let me through. Asshole."

I couldn't help but chuckle. "Well, we could go see a movie or something? Then grab lunch after?"

Anna looked over and grinned. "Sounds good to me."

Fifteen minutes later, we were pulling into the local cinemas at the town centre mall.

"What would you like to see?" Anna asked as we walked into the air-conditioned room. We glanced around the room at all the posters and I noticed she stiffened when we stopped at the poster for her own movie, 'Table 19'. I'd actually been looking forward to watching 'Table 19' ever since the first trailer and watching it with Anna Kendrick would probably be the best thing in the world. But something told me Anna didn't feel the same. I looked around at the other posters; 'Beauty and the Beast', 'Life' and 'Before I fall' all looked good.

"Hmm," I crossed my arms. "What about Beauty and the Beast?"

She smiled and I knew it was a smile in relief. "Good choice."

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