Hey Alexa. I'm Your Mom

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(Alexa's POV)

She came back. My mother finally decided to come back to me.

As soon as the front desk lady told me my mother was coming to meet me, I couldn't believe it. I mean, I used to have dreams about her all the time but they ended long ago. They ended when I finally accepted that she was never coming back to me.

But now I didn't know what to think. How come she waited all this time to meet me? Has she realised how shitty it was of her to ditch me at an adoption agency and wants to apologize? Will she just say hello then leave again?

I was sitting on my mattress next to Ethan the day after the lady told me, when I heard a small knock on the door. I opened it to find the lady wearing her usual uninterested expression except this time a small smile played on her lips.

"She's here." She said simply but I knew who she meant. My mother was finally here. I nodded, said goodbye to Ethan and I followed her down the hall. I kept my gaze to the floor when we neared the lobby.

"Here she is." I heard the lady say and I slowly lifted my head. It took me a while to register it but when I realised who it was, my brain did a backflip. Rising from an armchair was none other than my absolute favourite actress ever, Anna Kendrick. I've seen as much of her movies as I possibly could at the orphanage in Portland which has like every movie ever made. My favourites were the Pitch Perfect movies. In case you hadn't picked up on in yet, I was a pretty big fan of musicals. In fact, my 'badass' character was mainly based on the character 'Beca.' It's been my dream for about as long as I can remember to be an actress.

Now as I stood in the doorway, staring at my idol who apparently is my biological mother, the only thoughts registering in my mind were: this is crazy. How could this amazing actress be my mother? It didn't make any sense, I mean she was so amazing, how could she ever abandon her child? As this thought swam through my mind, I felt my blank expression make its way back onto my face.

Anna gave me a small smile. "Hey, there. You must be Alexa. It's nice to officially meet you."

She held out a hand which I hesitantly shook. The corner of her mouth twitched as I let go and her hand fell back to her side. "Did you want to go out for a coffee or something?" she asked. I nodded, still not saying anything. Partly because I was angry at her but mostly because I couldn't believe this was happening. I've always dreamt about meeting Anna Kendrick but I never ever thought it would happen, let alone like this.

She smiled and I followed her outside. The only car in the parking lot was a black Prius so I assumed it was hers. It looked pretty odd in this rundown place beneath all the dead trees. Anna took out a pair of keys and unlocked the car. She opened the door for the passenger side and I got in. Once she was seated in the driver's seat, she started the engine and drove out of the parking lot.

(Anna's POV)

She was beautiful. Absolutely stunning. I couldn't believe I was finally meeting my daughter for the first time. Well - second technically but I don't think that really counts.

I could tell she recognised me when she first came into the lobby but I wasn't sure if that was a good thing.

When I asked if she wanted to get a coffee, I expected her to flip me off or something and run back down the hall but she totally surprised me when she followed me to my car. To be honest, I didn't expect our first meeting to get this far.

"So," I started, feeling extremely awkward as I drove to the nearest café. "You're fourteen now aren't you?"

She nodded without turning away from the side window.

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