Bridging the Gap

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A/N: Just a warning, this chapter will be terrible and extremely short. I finished the last chapter with something that I added because I could literally think of nothing else which has then left me with a very severe case of writers block. So basically this horribly written, disjointed and downright cringy chapter is just to bridge the gap between how I left it and the rest of the story. Also, I have literally no clue how the whole fostering/adoption process works so I'm probably dead wrong - but hey - this is just a fun little story.Thanks for reading :)


(Anna's POV)

"Hey, don't say that Britt. Maybe dating other actors isn't for you. There are a hell of other nice, smart, normal guys around here. And someone like you can seriously take your pick out of the whole lot."

Brittany and I were in the kitchen, discussing her miserable sex life after her terrible break up with her ex. She shrugged and leant down to pet Billie. I was just about to suggest some additional advice when Alexa's small voice sounded behind me. 

"Hey, Anna?" Her eyes were wide and sensed an aura of excitement around her. 


"Did you, um, have anything to do with Ethan getting fostered over here?" 

Brittany and I exchanged a look, both remembering a conversation occurring about a month prior. I expressed my wishes to get Ethan sent over here to Brittany. The next I called up the foster company and asked what could be done about the situation. They told me they'd put the word out for him and contact his orphanage and call me back if they found an interested family. I didn't get a call back so I refrained from telling Alexa.

"Well, yeah, I called some people about it a few months ago. But they didn't call me back." 

"Ethan just told me he's being moved down here. Someone wants to foster him."

"Well that's great!" Brittany piped up from behind the counter. "When is he coming?"

"He's not sure yet but sometime in the next few months." She looked over at me then with her big blue eyes. A second later her arms were around me in a tight hug. "Thank you." 

I returned the hug with as much warmth as I could muster and caught Brittany grinning over at us. "It was nothing really. I just wanted you to have your best friend back."

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