Help From a Friend

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(Alexa's POV)

Ethan was laying on my bed, flicking through the channels on the old TV when I opened the door to my room. He jumped up and switched it off.

"How was it?" I could see genuine concern and wonder in his eyes. It was very rare for people at orphanages to be tracked down by their biological parents.

It took me a few seconds to respond.

"Odd," I said finally. "I wasn't as mad at her as I'd thought. She was nice."

"Did she tell you why she ditched you?" Ethan's parents left him at the orphanage when he was five-years-old. Old enough to know his family didn't want him anymore so he was very touchy about this subject.

"Yeah, got knocked up at sixteen and couldn't handle it. The usual."

He gave me a small smile and I could tell he was thinking about his family. "Well at least she's realised what an idiot she was. Is your father still in the picture?"

I frowned. "She didn't say. But I don't think so." I knew that if Anna Kendrick was still with him, then the world would know. I wasn't sure how I was going to tell Ethan who my mother is. I'd kind of accepted it at that point but I knew he would freak out – as he was just as big a fan of hers as me. I knew I shouldn't feel weird about telling him. It just feels that if I told him, it wouldn't be real anymore. Just crazy thoughts.

A few seconds passed between us.

"So, what does she look like?" He asked suddenly.

I stifled a little laugh. "Well, she has brown hair, blue eyes, quite short. Nothing much to add."

He looked me up and down. "Seems about right. Especially the height." He grinned as I hit his arm. Being two years older than me and a natural giraffe, he was about two and half heads taller than me. He never missed a chance to remind me of that.

"So, what does she want now? Are you going to live with her? What happens now?"

I hadn't thought of that. Does she want me to live with her? Would I have to move?

"I'm not sure actually. She gave me her number so I think she wants to stay in my life." I reached into my pocket and pulled out the slightly crumpled piece of paper. On it was a phone number and signed 'Anna xx'.

"Her name's Anna?" Ethan read. "Nice name at least. Are you going to call her?"

"I don't know" My gaze still fixed on the paper. "Do you think I should?"

Ethan shuffled over and put his arm around me. "Well, that's up to you. Would you like to talk to her again?"

Would I? I didn't know. Maybe? Today was awkward enough, but that pesky little part of me knew I would regret it if I didn't talk to her again.

"I don't know," I began. "I think so."

His arm tightened around me. "Well then. I think you should call her."


"How long is she in town for? Or does she live here?"

"Oh, no, she lives in California. But she didn't say how long she'll be here for."

"I can tell that if you left it too long and called her after she'd already left, you would regret it. I say call her tonight. Maybe you can discuss things tomorrow?"

I nodded. Despite my reserved attitude, the thought of meeting with her again made me smile. However, as soon as I began to smile, traces of doubt entered my mind.

"What if she doesn't want to see me anymore?" My voice barely a whisper. "What if she changed her mind about staying in my life?"

"Dude, she'd never think that. She gave you her number, didn't she? She said she wants to be your mother again. She said those things for a reason, Alex. Trust me on this."

I looked up with a grateful smile and lay back against his shoulder. I sat there in Ethan's arms for what seemed like hours before the head care was calling us for dinner. All the while I sat there, eating cheap, cold pizza, my mind was fixed on the thought of the call I'd make after I got back to my room. What if she changed her mind after all? I knew Ethan could tell how I was feeling as his gaze didn't leave mine throughout the duration of the meal.

A few pieces later, when I could stomach it no longer, I excused myself from the cafeteria. I shot Ethan a look to let him know I wanted him to be there when I called.

It was quiet journey back to my room. We sat down side by side on my bed and I pulled the piece of paper out from my pocket. Taking a deep breath, I dialled the number.

ReunitedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora