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Sent: DanielY@cg.com
Subject: Hater

You know, I'm beginning to think that you're just emailing me to keep telling me how horrible I am. I'm doing something I love, and I think you're going to have to deal with that. If you don't like to read my blogposts, then don't read them.

I am allowed to do whatever I want, and this is what I want to do. I won't ever choose to do something that I don't love. As for "using" others, I am helping them. That is my goal. It's just something a little extra if I manage to get revenge on that person.

Anyway, I don't think I need to explain myself to you. Don't read if all you're going to do is tell me how awful I am or how wrong I am.

In hopes of not having to defend myself again,

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