t w e n t y - t w o

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To: DYoung@cg.com
Subject: Sorry

So sorry about not getting back to you. I know it's been a week since you've emailed me, but I've been so busy with work. I had to fly to New York City for a special meeting, and I had to get ahead on my blogposts. I hope you'll forgive me again :)

Oh, and if you must know, I don't usually email back and forth with a reader for this long, unless it's another female seeking advice on something I've written about. Even then, it's not true conversations for long periods of time. And yes, I think last time was the most emails we sent in a day. Sorry for breaking the record.

I'm sorry that your meeting went so badly. I've had my experiences in bad meetings, and I know it's not fun. Maybe the person will reschedule and show up just like you want. I hope you've gotten a lot of work done this past week. I know I have.

It's funny, I've started having a harder time focusing on my work since I've started emailing you. Have you found it the same way?

Well, I wanted to make sure you wouldn't be horribly upset with me. Thanks for reading the blogpost and for the kind comment on it. I liked the part where people thought you are actually being rude when I knew it was a joke :)

Sorry again,
Emily :)

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