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You all sat leisurely while eating and chatting about current events.

Shelly quickly picked up on other the girls in the cafeteria whisper and lurk on the new guys as they walked by.

"Tch... This is cringe." She whined. "... Who are those guys anyway?" Shelly asked while looking around with disapproval.

"I know two of them, that blonde one is Lancelot and the black haired one is... Rio... I saw the red-head in the hall, the idiot fell in front of me." You commented and your table snickered.

"Shelly, aren't supposed to be in an arranged marriage as soon as you get out of school?" Scarlet prompted while tugging on Shelly's sleeve.

"Yeah, my father's company wants the benefits of another so I'll be married off..." Her voice trailed off when she thought of how near the end of the school year was.

"That... Kinda... Sucks, doesn't it?" Reina said with unsure sympathy. "Unlike us, you won't be able to choose-"

"Yeah, yeah, let's not get into it, ok?" Shelly responded obviously irritated as she crossed her arms together.

"-Anyway, whats going on with that weird girl Shelly?" Kia asked as she closed her eyes and let out a yawn. Kia didn't really seem interested but it changed the topic.

"Oh her? I told her to stop bothering me and stop asking for things. Can't she see that we are on different social levels?" Shelly answered huffing out in annoyance.

"This reminds me..." You spoke out. "A girl with short blonde hair wearing glasses kept reminding to confront you about-"

"UGH!" Shelly yelled out in disgust. "That's her alright. She keeps insisting my parents know her and keeps rambling on about something to do with needing a favor, although she wont tell me what she wants. She'll just be like.... Shelly this, Shelly that. Oh my lord that girl needs to stop- LOOK here she comes now." The group turned together to see her slowly walking up to the table you where sitting. Once she was close enough she started to speak.

"Shelly I-"

"I don't want to hear it." Shelly put her hand up signaling her to stop. "I don't know you and I don't know why you keep coming up with these story's about how I do. So stop irritating me with this... Please."

Some students turned in their seat to watch when they saw the other girl tap her foot impatiently.

"... I- You're a bitch Shelly." She suddenly burst out glaring at her. "(Y/N), I don't know why you hang out with her, I've seen the way you act and it's not as savagely as she does. You shouldn't be hanging out with this group of fake hoes!" She yelled out at you, you could see her brown eyes filled with rage.

"Fake hoes?" You retorted standing up from the table. "First, you come up here with the mindset that you will get something out Shelly when I'm sure she's asked you stop. And second, you try to remove me from my friends when you don't even know me. And finally, who even are you anyway? Do-"

"She's a nobody that wants to start drama." Scarlet commented passively.

"Why are you defending them (Y/N)? You're actually nice and are not hated by most people in the school unlike them, you don't belong! I mean sure, you're pretty, so you fit in there but that's it! And I'm in your science class! I've been in the same one as you since the beginning of the year!" She retorted while pushing up her glasses.

More of the people in the cafeteria were now watching the quarrel and shouting at the girl to stand down.

"Oh no, she's gonna get eaten alive..."

"Sit down girl."

"You hear that? I'd listen." Scarlet joined in.

"(Y/N) doesn't know you even though you have been in the same class for the whole year! Just leave before you embarrass yourself further." Kia added with her eyes narrowed.

<Rio POV>
"That poor girl..." Rio commented as he bit down into his sandwich.

"Hah yeah... Say that girl with the (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes is (Y/N) right?" Lance asked while eyeing the girl as he brushed his blonde hair to the side.

"Yeah that's her, I sit next to her in my math class." Rio answered as he chewed through food. "She helped me get to my room."

"I ran into her in the hall... And stop speaking with your mouth full Rio! It's gross!" Colin scolded him while flipping his red hair out his face.

"What ever hot-head... Speaking of math can you help me?" Rio said still chewing as he slid a paper of math exercises across the table.

"And speaking of (Y/N), so far she's pretty much the only girl who didn't faint or blush madly when I spoke to her." Lance blurted out. "I enjoyed messing with her and it doesn't help that I actually found her attractive..." He then rubbed his chin as he watched you argue.

"I guess she is... I heard she's pretty popular too." Rio added while swallowing.

"Awe... Then that means a lot of guys probably have it out for her..." Lance pouted shifting his gaze to Rio. "I'll just have to try harder then and stomp over the competition." He then smiled cheekily.

"So far in my classes there are only girls who act awkward around me and won't leave me alone, it's quite annoying." Colin stated, sliding Rio's incomplete paper back across the cafeteria table.

"Well then... if you're lucky tomorrow you might get (Y/N) in one of your classes." Lance patted Colin's back.

"I see that you are already attached to her..."  Colin said through his teeth while removing Lance's hand from his back.

"You know, now that you mention it... She is pretty attractive." Rio licked his lips, letting a grin rest on his face.


"Oh Colin! Did you turn in that paper to the Director in time?" Lance changed the subject and turned to face the red-head.

"Yes I managed to turn it in just in time... I had to run to do so." Colin answered rubbing his head.

<Your POV>

"And my name is Melody by the way!" The blonde shouted while pushing up her glasses before storming off.

"Geez, what's her problem?" Kia asked resting her head on the table. "That was sooo annoying."

"I don't think she'll be talking to us again..." Reina sighed as she leaned against her sister.

"But what was that stuff about taking (Y/N) from us?" Scarlet asked as she shot you a glance.

"I'm not sure, but you wont leave with her, will you (Y/N)?" Shelly questioned with a worried expression.

You had been the nicest to Shelly ever since you met so she respected you very much and liked your sarcasm. Shelly even admired you.

"Of course not! Like I said before, I don't even know her!" You laughed, calming the group "After all, we're all best friends are we not?"

"Good." Shelly stated as she folded her arms in front of her chest. Shortly after, the bell rang dismissing lunch and you all separated and went to your next class.

The rest of the day was relaxed and passed by quickly. After school was over you walked back home. Once home, you went to your room and tossed your bag aside.

"Today was something... No, that's an understatement... I wonder what people will start tomorrow after that verbal exchange with Melody at lunch." You commented to yourself while yawning. "I guess i'll just see when I get there."

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