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I don't know why but I didn't feel like telling Sid anything about nishant. There were two most important reasons basically...
1. That things had started to take a good turn in our lives.
2. I really didn't know the real motive behind Sid behaving so absurdly for past six months....

So I felt it was better to keep shut rather than create a confusion.

"Where are you going?" He asked.
"Cafe coffee day..." I replied and rushed to take a quick bath.

I reached for my car and drove It myself to CAFE COFFEE DAY.
I couldn't really find nishant cause last we met was 10 years back. Yeah right....
We are meeting after 10 years and I really don't know how he found me and actually first of all...where the hell did he disappear 10 years back...

Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"Yes...?" I asked.
"Pata tha...nahi pehchaanogi. I knew it...." it was nishant. He is still a freaking drama queen. He fake cried.

"Shut up Nish...first tell me how did you find me?" I authoritatively asked.

"First lets order coffee...I have a news to share." He said.

"Ok" and we headed towards a table and sat down.

"So what's the news?" I asked.
"Aditi....koi 10 saal baad milta hai to usse poochte hain...Kaise ho...all ok? How are you? And such stuffs" he said.

"I know that but inn sab ka answer mujhe mil gaya hai. You are all ok...sitting in front of me...with a news to share so continue." I said.

"Yeah yeah" and then his playful expression turned serious.

"Aditi....I have found your..."

Sid's pov

Why did Aditi lie that it was nisha? I don't really understand.
Maybe I read the caller ID wrong.

Yeah it can be....

Not sensing everything all right I decided to follow Aditi.
I quickly took a shower and reached cafe coffee day.

There I found her sitting with a guy. No I wasn't wrong. I read It right. He is a boy. But why the hell did Aditi lie to me. I was feeling so disappointed but what happened next made me hell angry. That guy was holding Aditi's hand consoling her for something and she was crying.

What was happening.
I felt like beating the Shit out of him for touching my wife....

Suddenly she stood up and started leaving when I could see that guy running behind her.

"Addu....addu.....listen to me yaar...." he said while running behind her till the parking lot.

And then Aditi shouted.
"I hate him....I hate to death....he is a lier....cheater and a freaking trouble for everyone. He cheated on my mom. I would never forgive him....never"

What? She hates her father? Her father cheated on her mother? But they seem to look like the happiest couple on this planet. Nah! I don't believe it.

I wanted to talk to Aditi but I knew this was not the right time.
She was badly crying and repeating these words..."I hate him nishant...I hate him...."

She sat in her car and drove it swiftly. I followed her bit she went straight away to our home and went to the room and collapsed on the bed crying really hard.

I let her cry. I needed to find the reason out.

Aditi's pov

"Aditi....beta....where are you? Now stop this hide and seek story...I don't like it...." a lady voice calls out.

"Mumma....I love you...." I hug her from behind.

"Please don't disappear like this...I don't like it....never fade away from my eyes princess....cause..." and we say in unison...."Mumma loves you...."

I was woken up by the sudden loud noise in the walk in wardrobe...

I saw Sid trying to arrange my books in my wardrobe and suddenly that huge diary fell from the shelf.
He was about to read it....

I raced towards Him and grabed that diary from his hand and threatened him 'never to touch it again'

I could clearly see that he was taken aback but I was not at fault. This diary held my darkest of secrets.....


So was the update?
Feeling suspicious about Aditi?
Hahaha.....I can imagine your faces.....

Now what? Aditi with dark secrets....ever imagined that?

And will Siddharth find about her secrets and help her in someway....or LEAVE HER MIDWAY!

What do you think about nishant?
Do let me know about your please do comment and vote....

Eagerly waiting for your comments....

With love
            Aditi Atri!♥♥♥

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