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Yay ...
I came out and....

"You look sexy in this mini towel" his deep attractively husky voice echoed in my ears while his well toned chest brushed my back....

I freezed at my place...
What was he doing here?
I turned with a jerk. Water droplets were dripping down my wet hair which were falling on to my right side.

"Sid!" I said in shock...

"Yeah!" He said in a tone as if it was no big deal to see a woman right after the shower in a towel.
I know I am his wife but isn't it too early?

"What are doing here? " I asked trying to secure my towel perfectly so it doesn't fall.

"Nothing much...just came here to tell you that I have an urgent meeting with someone in my study...I don't want anyone to disturb me" he said

"Alright! Now leave" I said
"I don't feel like leaving you all alone to change" he said.

Is he in his senses?

"Get out siddharth" I said.
"Let me stay here..." he said and he seemed lost to which I blushed.

Then I realised that he is really lost and so I shouted..."SID LEAVE...."

"WOAH ! Why are you shouting?" He asked.

"Leave" I said all frustrated.
"Okay...but when did I ask to stay here? "He asked. And now my blood pressure shot up...

"Okay let me change in front of you" I said.

"No no..I am leaving"
He left giving me a smirk.

Is he mad?
God tell me, please...

We had our breakfast together and after that Rahul left for office, Sid packed himself in his study and my dear best friend kept on watching TV....actually not watching TV, literally staring at the TV.

She was lost.
I snatched the remote front her hands...

"Hey what are you doing?" She asked.
"First tell me what are you doing?" I asked.
"Why should I answer your questions?" She asked and I was taken aback.
"Because you're my best friend" I stated.
"I don't think so" she said....
Now I must say...everyone in this house has gone mad.

"Why?" I asked.
" are asking why?"
She said.
"Shanaya tell me what's the damn matter" I said switching off the irritating commentary of a sports channel.

"Matter? What's the matter?" She asked behaving as if I was a bloody fool sitting here and asking about her problem.

"Stop making stories shanaya..--" I couldn't complete.
"You stop making stories, Aditi. You always lied to me...our friendship was all always had someone else as your best always hid your real identity from are not what you try to portray, you never lived with your mother...nor with your lived somewhere else...the mother who always pretended to be your own is someone else....tell me Aditi, what are you hiding , whats your real identity..." she said.

My palms started sweating and I started avoiding any eye contact with her.

How did she know about it?

How is she so sure that I never lived with my real mom and dad.

Now what should I tell her...

Just when I thought that everything is phone started ringing.
It was Prakriti.

I immediately answered trying to avoid all her questions. "Hi dost..." she said.

"Hi dost" I replied.
"Why so low? Cheer up getting married." She said trying to cheer me up and actually she was successful in doing so.

"What? Shaadi Kar ri hai? Kisse? Kab? Kahaan? Details yaar" When I said shaadi...Shanaya just a second ago was rolling eyes on me and suddenly she too started getting interested in our phonic conversation.

"Speaker pe daal" Shanaya mouthed.
I immediately put the phone on speaker and we continued.
" I am getting married to Dhruv. We started dating after you both left Delhi. He really loves Aaisha a lot and Aaisha loves him too..."

"Wow...damn congratulations yaar...we are so happy for you" Shanaya said.

"Yeah! Ofcourse we are soooo happy for you..." I said

"Toh kahaan halaal ho rahi hai?" Shanaya asked.
"Means?" Prakriti asked totally confused.

"Oh! She means where are you getting married." I made her understand.

"Oh yeah! It's a destination wedding. The place has been decided. Its gonna take place in...
PERTH" and the moment she said Perth, I felt as if some kind of heavy weight was kept on my heart.

That place took away my childhood. That place had my life' s worst memories...though it had some good ones too.
I never went back to Perth even once after shifting to Patna.

I was brought back by Prakriti's voice...

"Aditi-Shanaya...nice place na?" She asked.
I couldn't help but start blabbing about that beautiful city.
It was damn ,my freaking birthplace. I was brought up there. I knew almost each and every place of that city and I still didn't forget it.

And then the realisation hit me as I saw Shanaya staring at me like ' How the hell do you know about Perth ?'

I immediately stopped and said...
"Internet" now Prakriti was confused.

"Internet? " she asked.
"Yeah! I mean...I got all these information through internet na." I replied to clear her confusion but Shanaya wasn't satisfied.

I stood up after congratulating Prakriti and left. I was then crossing the study where Siddharth was having his meeting but what I saw made my eyes bulge out of my sockets and in no time I was in tears.

I ran upstairs into my old bedroom and shut it.

So this is what you were doing to me. You didn't change a bit. You are still that old Siddharth...that selfish, self centered, cheater, liar.

So now it's clear that you didn't change for good. You just pretended to be good in front of Rahul and Shanaya.
That kiss...

It disgusts me now.
So this was your meeting with an important guest.
Thanks Siddharth for making me feel like a waste. Atleast now I have a valid reason to leave you.

I was don't deserve my love. You are just another man who came out to be like my father.

I hate you Siddharth....I hate you.


Hey readers.
So here is another update...
I know I am late but I was busy. So terribly sorry for the delay.

So, how was the update?
I know you all are shocked but what did Aditi see in the study that her heart broke once again?
What made her decide to leave Siddharth and why did she compare Siddharth with her father?

Any guesses?

Please do vote and comment.
Eagerly waiting for your response.

With love

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