Arguements PT 1

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Ava's pov

It had only been a few hours since me and Ross arrived back in the village with the twins and the news has gone around the village like a bad case of chicken pox. Charity had taken Moses and told Ross that he can't see him but Moses is Ross's son so she can't do that.

I had just fed the twins and now their down for their nap and I sure was tired, who knew having twins was such hard work, Ross was sat beside me on the sofa out the back off the woolpack "I guess we should take the twins to meet my mum and dad" Ross says and I raid my eyebrows

"I can just see how this will go down" I laugh "we go round and you tell them that we are together and they will try and stop us being together just like Cain will try and stop us" I say to Ross "well if anyone try's to stop us from seeing each other then we will just stay strong to each other" Ross tells me kissing me gently and passionately causing my cheeks to blush bright red.

"We'll wait until the twins wake up, I don't want to disturb them" I say to prospone going round to see Emma and James."I still cant believe we've been together for 11 months" I say looking up to Ross. He smiles and I can't help have a smile creep onto my face.

Soon one off the twins start to cry and we catch it on the baby monitor "I'll go and see if the girls are alright" I quickly said standing up and walking up the stairs into my room and as i walk in I see liv sat on my bed "what are you doing in my room and on my bed" I say with a loud tone.

"I've been staying since you left" liv says folding her arms while smirking "get out! The twin were asleep until you walked in here!!" I scream causing sapphire to also start crying. "This is my room so you can get out"'i growl as I sense someone behind me "well you left your family without telling any off them where you were going" liv shouts in return "I'll take the twins" Ross says as he finally comes out from behind me.

"I'll be down in a minute, I'm just dealing with her" I say glaring at liv. "They know the reason I left. They know everything now!" I shout trying to stay calm. "Well you'll have to discuss this with your mother, that's if she still wants you here" liv says smirking as she looks at me.

I turn around with tears of anger and frustration. I take a deep breath as i walk down the stairs and into the living room where Ross was sat with the twins in his arms "I'll feed Sapphire you feed Georgia" Ross suggests so I nod as I gently take Georgia from Ross and picking up her bottle

"I'm going to talk to mum while I feed Georgia" I tell Ross as he could since something was wrong. I walk through to the bar and stood by it "is it true?" I ask mum with a croak in my voice "is what true" mum asks me looking confused "you gave liv my room, she said you gave her my room and you don't want me back" I say as my voice croaks again

"Ava" mum starts "yes we let Liv stay in  your room but we did not say we didn't want you back" mum then says "of corse we wanted you back, we didn't stop looking for you, after you not answering any off our phone calls or texts we just thought you had ran away" mum explains to me

By the time we finished the conversation I had finished feeding Georgia "so why is she here anyway" I ask curiously "after you left the police brought her here, she told them she lived here, Aaron decided to that we should let her stay and Sandra said it was alright for Liv to stay for two weeks and then Sandra came back and told us that she was going to take Liv and move abroad. Liv didn't wAnt to go go Aaron convinced Sandra to let Liv stay with us" mum explains to me and I look annoyed "then why did you let her stay in my room" I ask raising my voice.

Mum sighs "we didn't have anywhere else sorted" mum try's to defend her corner. "Can we just drop the subject" mum asks so I reluctantly nod. "I'm sorry for leaving" I say gently while burping Georgia

"It's alright, I'm just so glad your home and your safe" mum said putting an arm around me and kissing my forehead "Aaron knew about me and Ross" I decided to tell mum "three months before I left, the day off my birthday to be exact" I start

"Me and Ross had been seeing each other for about 2 weeks I think, and me and Ross well we were in garage, Ross shut up and made out to Cain that he was just doing paperwork but he was t me and Ross were on the floor, I'll leave you to figure out what we were doing" I explain to mum

"Anyway Aaron thought we broke up but we kept sneaking around and then I found out I was pregnant we left after my dating scan which turned out I was 10 weeks pregnant" I say to mum and she looks at me in shock "we didn't think anyone would approve off us after Aaron found us he was disappointed so we just kept it on a down low" I tell mum

Mum pulls me into a sideways hug "none off that matters now, as long as your happy then Evreything is okay" mum says comforting me.

I better go and check on Ross with Sapphire" I say to mum walking out back again and over to Ross and sapphire "everything's sorted?" Ross asks me and I nod slowly

"Evreything is sorted, me and mum have sorted Evreything out and theirs no more arguments for us" I smile "let's change the girls nappies and then I guess we better go and tell your parents about me, you and the twins" I say to Ross and he nods.

I grab the changing bag from the pushchair and place it between myself and Ross we both get the changing matts out and place the girls on their before taking their old nappy off and cleaning them and then putting their new nappy on.

Once we were done I placed the twins into the pushchair before we set off.

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