Dress shopping

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Ava's PoV

I woke up at around 9 this morning and remembered I was meeting Vic and belle to go into town, Ross must have gone to work already. I had an hour to get myself and the twins ready. I got out off bed and got dressed

I put on my flowery dress with a think pink belt before doing natural make up and leaving my hair down, I slip on grey ballet flats before going into the twins bedrooms.

I put on my flowery dress with a think pink belt before doing natural make up and leaving my hair down, I slip on grey ballet flats before going into the twins bedrooms

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I get the girls dressed and then we were almost done, all I needed to do was feed the girls and change their nappy. I take the girls downstairs and place them in their playpen where they lie on their stomach trying to grasp toys. I make their bottles and sit down picking Georgia up and then doing the same with Sapphire.

I was running late now so I grabbed my phone to text Vic

To Vic 👭⭐️

Hi Vic,
I'm running a bit late with the twins and all. I should be at the cafe by half 10, sorry about this.

From Vic 👭⭐️

That's perfectly fine, if you want i could come and help?

To Vic 👭⭐️

It's fine Vic all I've got to do is change their nappys then I'm going to take them to Emma& James

I put my phone down and then change the girls before putting them
Into the pushchair and putting their changing bag over the handles off the pushchair and putting my handbag underneath.

I push the twins to the front door before opening it and leaving the house. I lock the door behind me before putting the keys in my pocket and i start to walk to Emma and James's

I soon arrive at the house and knock on the door, "hi how's my grandchildren" Emma asks me and I smile "their good, they've been fed and changed so they should be fine for a couple of hours" I tell Emma before she takes the girls inside "I'll be back to pick them up later" I say to Emma before rushing to the cafe.

"Sorry I'm late" I apologise to both Vic and belle as I arrived in the cafe "it's alright, how's the little monkeys today" belle asks me and I laugh slightly "their good, they were up later today so I was running late today" I say kinda repeating myself.

Me, Belle and Vic were all set for town "have you thought what sort of dress you want for your bridesmaids?" Belle asks me and I smile slightly "I thought a purple theme for the bridesmaid and Maid of honour" I say and belle frowns

"Really purple" she says and I laugh "what's wrong with purple, it will suit you" I giggle slightly. "I think the purple will go well with your white dress" Vic smiles as we arrive at Vic's car.

We get in the car Vic in the drivers seat,
Belle behind her and me in the passenger seat. "I've seen that Debbie's back" belle perks up from the seat in the back and I sigh "yeah, she's not too happy about me and Ross, something tells me she still likes him" I say wish a shrug.

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