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Ava's PoV

It didn't take us long to set off to Emma and James in fact it only took up five minutes from getting the twins ready to leaving the woolpack. I push the twins outside and walk with Ross to his parents. I couldn't lie I was really nerves but I shouldn't care what other people think,, it's about me and Ross and the twins, that's what should matter but in fact Evreything matters to me.

We walk across the village and down to Emma and Ross's, when we arrived Ross looks at me and put his arm around me reassuringly "everything's going to be fine" he says before opening the door "Finn your home early" we hear James says but when Ross walks in James looks shocked and so does Emma

"Where have you been" Emma asks her son "well I went away with Ava" he says motioning for me to come in with the twins "who are they" Emma looks at the pushchair "their our children, our twin girls, our daughters" Ross says coming and stand next to me

"She's 16 Ross!" Emma says "your 23 and you've got twins with a 16 year old" Emma shouts causing Georgia to start crying "please stop crying your scaring The twins" I say calmly "back out off it Dingle" Emma says glaring at me "Emma back off, if they make each other happy and they are happy with the twins then we should be happy for them" James says sticking up for me and Ross

"Fine " Emma says in defeat "so what's my granddaughters names" James and Emma both ask us "well the one crying our blue eyed baby is Georgia-Rose Dingle Barton and the one sleeping our brown eyed baby is Sapphire-Maye Dingle Barton" Ross says smiling at our twins.

"Can I hold them?" Emma asks and I shake my head "no, Sapphire is sleeping and Georgia needs her mummy and daddy, they both don't like strangers" I try to make up some sort off lie. "they are our grand children so you've got to let us spend time with them at some point" Emma says before I leave, not wanting to stay their any longer.

I walk out the door and down the road. I push the twins down to the park once I was at the park I saw Vanessa with Johnny. Vanessa sat on a swing with Johnny on her lap while I sat on a bench with the twins pushchair in front off me.

I just at their looking into the twins pushchair and before I know it tears were streaming down my cheeks "Avery are you okay" I hear Vanessa say as she walks over to me with Johnny "I'm fine" I sniff while lying "your not what's wrong, I've got time to talk" she tells me sitting down "I just want people to be supportive for me" I say softly

"Me and Ross only just got back today with the twins, their only a week old and i feel like none is really supportive, yeah I know theirs a 7 years age gap but we love each other and we both love Georgia-Rose and Sapphire-Maye" I start again "mum and Aaron weren't happy about it at first but i guess they will get used to the fact and then theirs Emma and James. I'm just regretting ever coming back" I say wiping my eyes "it's just so hard having twins, they remind me off Ella" I say and Vanessa puts her arm around me

"Ava if you ever need someone to talk to or just rant to about anything then you can talk to me, I won't judge you. It's like what I had with kiren (sp) and his dad wasn't supportive but they will come round soon, trust me" Vanessa says making me smile "thank you nessa" I say smiling

After my conversations with Vanessa I felt a lot better. "You coming to the woolly, I'll pay for your drink, a thank you for helping me out" I say to her as I stand up "sure" she says and stands up too with Johnny and places him in his pushchair before we both walk off and head to the woolpack.

All the way their we were talking and I had to admit it was helping me, she was explaining things about looking after babies and the best ways to do things like changing them and feeding them and Evreything like that.

Once we got to the woolpack I let nessa go in first before following her "what can I get you" mum asks Vanessa and she orders her drink "that'll be £2:50" mum says and I hand mum three pounds "I'm paying, it's a thank you" o explain to mum before she hands me fifty pence back.

Me and Vanessa sit down and we continue talking. "So where did you disappear off to" Vanessa asks me "well we went down to Blackpool, we had a cottage down their. Then I had the twins and we both decided that it was time to come back." I explained to nessa as Ross walks in

"Where did you disappear off to". He asks me in what sounded like a mood "I went down to the park, I couldn't be dealing with the arguing and then me and nessa started talking and she's been helping me out" I say to Ross who looked angry and I have to admit it scared me

"You could have told me where you were going, you had me worried sick, anything could have happened to you, Georgia and Sapphire" Ross shouted making me jump.

"I'm sorry, your mum was just frustrating me" I say sitting further into me seat. Ross turns around and puts his hands on the pushchair before he pushed it out off the pub without another word.

"Ross" I shout after him and the twins but he continues walking away with my, our babies, walk back inside when I lost sight off him "I don't know where he's gone" I sigh sitting down

"He'll be back and the girls well be fine" Evreyone ressures me but I don't feel as optimistic as they do in fact I feel scared.


How nice am I 2 chapters in one day
Hope you all liked it

What do you think off the sort off twist at the end off this chapter

Comment below


Jess xx

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