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Ava's pov

I must have passed out because the next think I knew I was lying in a bed with machines beeping and mum holding my hand, but what happened, why was I hear. Wait I remember it was Mitch and his gang, they beat me up

"Avery your awake" mum says wipeing tears from her eyes "what happened to you" mum ask me and I let out a small tear "Mitch and Bethany's gang" was all I said before I had pains shoot through my body "I'll go and get a nurse" mum says standing up and letting go off my hand.

I still couldn't believe Mitch would do this to me all because I lost our daughter, maybe I was stupid but it was still technically partly his fault because if it wasn't for him and our argument then I wouldn't have ran in front off the car.

Mum comes back into the room with a nurse "right can to tell me your full name and today's date" the nurse asks me "my names Avery-Emilie Dingle and today's date is Friday the 18 of March (if you remember I said evreything had been set earlyer/in a different year)

"Correct, now the police are outside and they want to ask you what happened and so does your head teacher" the nurse says so I nod as an okay. "Can they both come in st the same time?" I ask hoping the answer would be yes.

The nurse goes out and talks to my headteacher and the police and they come in together "right Avery can you tell us what happened" my head teacher asks and I nod slowly.

"I had came out off my exam and was headding to Form" I start taking a deep breath with a pain in my stomach, "I was stopped when Mitch, Bethany and the rest off the gang of like 15 people crowded round me, he said he had to teach me a lesson, then someone grabbed me and evreyone started kicking and punching me, and I couldn't escape" I say crying.

"Alright Avery we need a list of names" the police say and I nod

"Their was Mitch Blake, Bethany Wood, John and Craig Towns, Lily heart, Samantha Elliot and Samantha Lewis, Lewis Elliot, Sophie Hadley, Stephanie Lee, Thomas Jones, Ryan Smith,  Liam Smith, Harry Snitch and Claudia Wilson" I say the names and both the head teacher and then police write the names down.

The police left the room and so did my head teacher and then a nurse comes back in "right we've looked at your X-Ray's and it shows you have fractured your ribs and you have some swelling in your stomach and we want to keep an eye on it, it may not be anything serious but we just want to be 100% sure on it" the Nurse tells me and I nod

"So when can she come home?" Mum asks the nurse for me "we want to keep her in for 3/4 days so we can make sure Evreything is healing correctly and to make sure Evreything is fine with Avery" the nurse explains to me and mum "okay, I'm going  to and get her some clothes and things from home"

The nurse said she would watch me when mum leaves. "I'll get you some pyjamas, your toothbrush and paste, hair brush, some change off clothes, anything else you want?" Mum asks me writing down evreything she needed to get me

"Could you get me my hunger games book and my phone charger please" I ask mum thinking if their was anything else I needed "and also some food from David's, I hate hospital food" I say making mum laugh "would you also like some off your special hot chocolate what Aaron makes you" mum asks and I nod making mum laugh.

Mum kisses my forehead and tells me she's only a message away if I need her or just to buzz for a nurse if the pain gets too unbearable. Once mum left I tried to get comfortable but failed but that didn't stop me from falling asleep.

Chas's PoV

I could believe mitch and Bethany they were Ava's best friends and Mitch was her boyfriend, it shows who her real friends were. She was in hospital and it was all because off them.

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