Arrested For ABH

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Ava's PoV

The last couple off days have been really edventful, Gabby has broken her arm (I wonder how 😂) and Sapphire has had a high temperature. But I haven't thought anything off it, I don't think it's anything to be worried about but today she's been a lot worse than she was yesterday, I think it's time to get her into see a doctor.

I was sat on the sofa with the twins in their Moses baskets and my phone in my hand as Ross comes downstairs. "You ringing the doctors?" Ross asks me and I nod, "her temperature has gotten higher" I say to Ross before I dile the number for the doctor.

I finally get through to someone after what felt like a year, they said to get her to A&E as soon as possible as a temperature as high as hers is could be serious

I left the girls in their moses as Ross was downstairs and I got dressed, I didn't bother looking through my wardrobe I just grabbed my outfit from the back off the bedroom door.

I get dressed and bro my white t-shirts with white writing saying 'selfie' in a black shape before putting on the blue denim shorts on tucking my top on and then adding my greenish coloured cardigan. I slipped on a a pair off sandles and stopped with the first one when I heard crying from the twins room.

 I dash to downstairs with one shoe on and one shoe off and when I get their I see Sapphire having a fit in her Moses basket, Ross was on the phone and I was stood panicked

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I dash to downstairs with one shoe on and one shoe off and when I get their I see Sapphire having a fit in her Moses basket, Ross was on the phone and I was stood panicked. 'No Avery you have to stay calm' I tell myself taking a deep breath

"Ambulance please, my daughter is having a fit, she's never been like his before, hurry please" Ross tells the phone operator and then nods "thank you" he says on edge "their on their way" he tells me as we both panic

I text mum and she comes round to help with Georgia and soon the ambulance comes "I'll drive behind the ambulance with Georgia" mum tells me and Ross and I nods

Sapphire was still fitting and they took her to the ambulance and then too the hospital. At the hospital they took our little girl away so they could do some tests. Mum dropped Georgia off with me and Ross and said she would be back.

The tests seemed to be taking forever but I knew I had to stay calm for my little girl. I had Georgia in my arms and I was leaning against Ross "Sapphire-Mayes parents" a doctor comes out and both me and Ross look at the doctor

"We have got her seizer under control but we still don't know what caused it, has Sapphire had any injuries to her head in the last few days or weeks?" The doctor asks us and I shake my head

"No not as far as we know off, be girls were staying with their nan and grandad a few days ago but they would have told us if Sapphirw had fell or anything" I say  I the doctor "okay thank you, we will be back with more results soon" the doctor tells us and leaves

"We're going to lose her, it's just like Elepheteria again" I cry slightly as I sit down with Georgia on my lap and Ross puts his arm around me, "we're not going to lose sapphire, she's a fighter just like her mummy and daddy" Ross reassures me

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