Suprises PT1

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Ava's PoV

It had been two week since I was kidnapped and Ross has been spending every night round mine. It actually works well for me and him because we both get to take turns with the twins at night. But today I was home alone with the twins, well technically I wasn't all alone as Their were people in the pub but me and the twins were going to have a pyjama day. The twins are now a month old and their growing up more and more everyday.

Georgia has started gurgling but Sapphire hasn't but I guess that's alright for twins but I wasn't sure, me and the girls sit in my room with Cebbebies on the I couldn't believe how much my girls have grown since day one, and bey were so small but they have grown now. They both could hold their head up themselves but they still need quite a lot off support.

I soon turn the baby monitor on and leave the tv on for the girls before I go downstairs. Once I was downstairs I made myself a coffee with two spoons off sugar and then took it back upstairs.

When I had arrived back to my room the twins were both asleep so I drank my tea in silence before falling asleep myself. I was woken up two hours later to Georgia's crys so I role out off bed and pick her up, "Is my little Georgia Hungry" I ask my daughter just as the same time as sapphire wakes up. I pick sapphire up in my opposite arm and carry them downstairs.

I place them on the sofa with pillows around them before grabbing their heated bottles from the side and kneeling in front off my two babies and feeding them. Once they had both been fed I get the changing Matt out and place Georgia on their gently before changing her nappy then doing the same to sapphire.

Aaron walks into the living room with liv and stay with my girls on the sofa. "How's my nieces and my sister" Aaron asks as he comes and sits beside Sapphire "their fine, Georgia has been gurgling a lot today bit sapphire still hasn't gurgled" I say to my older brother

Aaron picks Georgia up and tickels her tummy gently "hello Georgia" Aaron says as he tickels her. I pick sapphire up and sit beside Aaron on the sofa. "They remind me that of you and Amber" Aaron tells me and I frown, I never got to meet my twin.

"Sorry Ave" Aaron starts "I bet you and Amber would be so close and alike" Aaron says to me making me smile.

Later the same day I decide to take the twins for a walk I got changed into my black leggings, my grey hoodie, grey beanie and also my white Converses

Later the same day I decide to take the twins for a walk I got changed into my black leggings, my grey hoodie, grey beanie and also my white Converses

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When I was finished getting dressed I put the twins snow coats on and leave through the back off the pub.

"Should we go and see daddy" I ask the twins while headding in the direction off the garage. I push the girls up and stop behind Ross "guess who" I say in a deep voice making Ross jump as he turns around "hey how's my three favourite girls" he asks me and I smile

"We're doing good the girls spent some time with mummy and uncle Aaron" I say to Ross and he smiles as he coos our little girl

I stand watching Ross as he works on a car when my phone rang "watch the girls a sec please" I ask Ross before walking off to the end off the path "hello..... Speaking.... Really, thank you..... bye" I say on the phone before hanging up with a huge smile on my face.

"What's got you all happy" Ross asks me seeing my grin "I can go back to school to sit my GCSEs" I tell Ross and he smiles "that's great babe" Ross says to me kissing me passionately causing me to blush a bright red "I'll let you get back to work" I say to Ross hugging him before walking off home with the girls.

I walk into the bar and see Rhona and Vanessa sitting at a table and they smile over to me. "How's the twins" Vanessa asks me as I walk through the pub "their doing fine, they are growing up so fast, I can't believe their a month old already" I say to Vanessa and she smiles to me

"Have a seat with us" Rhona says to me and I smile. "I just need to tell mum something" i explain to the pair off them "we'll watch the girls" Vanessa says to me and Rhona agrees with her, "thank you" I smile before walking out the back and over to mum "mum guess what" I smile as I find mum

"what's the good news" mum asks me as she turns around "I'm going to be sitting my GCSEs. The school rang me and said I could go back and sit my exams" say to mum as I smile. "That's great news" mum smiles "you'll do great with the exams" mum then says.

After telling mum my good news I go and sit with Rhona and we have a good chat, it was nice talking to people apart from Ross, mum, Aaron and the twins.

At around 6:30 Ross walks into the pub smiling "Avery I have some surprises for you" Ross sat and I look up at him


Well aren't you guys lucky a 3rd chapter. I must be nice and dedicated to you guys

What do you think the surprises are.
I'm thinking off bringing Debbie back to the village.. What do you all think off they idea ❤️

Comment below


Jess xx

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