Extra: Table of Nations

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Where I list polities and their known capitols and heads of state established in the story, so we (I) don't forget.

Anatolian Demilitarized Zone - A treaty-mandated neutral border region between Hayastani Hanrapetut'yun and Türkiye Cumhuriyeti

Bharati Company, Rajyon ke - A company of states in South Asia with a common economy, defense force and international foreign relations policy.  

Bosna - An independent country in the Balkans

Britain - A former empire; current parliamentary monarchy in the British Isles led by King Edward VIII and Prime Minister Baldwin from the capitol of London

Catalunya - a state aspiring to autonomy on the Iberian Peninsula with its capitol in Barcelona

Cyprus Demokratia - A democratic republic on the island of Cyprus

Deutsches Republik - A democratic republic in Europe led by President Hindenberg in Berlin

France, Royaume de - A monarchy in Western Europe led by The Fashionista in the Fashion Capitol of Paris

Freedman Territories - A coalition of city-states along the Mississippi Valley in the Americas

Egypt* - An elective parliamentary Monarchy in North Africa led by The Malik, Paris Arafa, from the Fashion Capitol of Cairo

Gaza - A city-state technically within the territory of Egypt's de facto protectorate Palestine, which is problematically under de facto Mercantile control and occupied as free trade port

Hayastani Hanrapetut'yun - a democratic republic across parts of Anatolia and Armenian Highlands

Hejaz -  A Kingdom and de facto protectorate of Egypt in the Arabian Peninsula along the Red Sea led by King Ali bin Hussein

Iran - The nation formerly known as Persia, in the Middle East, led by a Shah

La Nouvelle - A city-state, within the Freedman Territories, located on the Mississippi River at the Gulf Coast

Monaco, Principauté de - A sovereign Principality in Southern Europe.

New York - A sovereign state along the Hudson River Valley in the Americas led by a Governor and Congress; known to encompass Long Island

Nuovo Impero - An Empire of unified states in Southern Europe led by Imperator Humbert V in Roma

Palestine - A territory in the Levant under Egyptian military rule

Palestine & Hejaz - Collective term for de facto protectorates of Egypt in the Levant and Arabia

Syria, al-Mamlakah al-'Arabīyah as - A Kingdom in which Arab Nationalism is prevalent led by King Faisal in the capitol of Damascus

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti - A democratic republic in Anatolia

* During the negotiation of the Pax Fashionista in which it was proposed all nations would be addressed and referenced by their native names and demonyms, the leader of the nation then known as "al-Mamlakah al-Miṣrīyah" in Arabic declared "Egypt" to be its native name. Subsequently, its citizens are "Egyptian", while its predominant language is "Masri", and its ancient culture increasingly yet variously known as "Khemi" or "Kumati"


Other polities will be added as their existence and official names can be confirmed within the story.

Here's some locations which been mentioned, without their current official name, level of sovereignty, or autonomy being confirmed:

Eivissa - One of the Balearic Islands; level of autonomy and affiliation with other nations unconfirmed, but apparently operating in alliance with Catalunya

First Nations - Collective term used by populations in former European colonies for those various and not-necessarily affiliated nations in the Americas maintained by indigenous peoples

Greece - current form of government unconfirmed

Pennsylvania - A state that has slightly more liberal marriage laws than New York

Sardìnnia - An island; level of autonomy and affiliation with other nations unconfirmed; possibly part of Nuovo Impero

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