Chapter 5

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I watched her grab her board. She took off the skirt revealing the bikini bottom. She walked into the ocean gracefully. My heart pounded in my ears as I watched the waves crash against her body. I pulled away from the laughing merry band of vamps. I only left because Drew and Faith started to make out and I really wanted to not watch that. It reminded me of Grace the psychopath.

Victoria got on her board and sat there waiting. I saw a monster one come up. She paddled hard to it. The wave picked her up and she dropped into the barrel. I saw the wave start to meet the ocean. She was riding inside. Victoria emerged. The water sparkled from the moon. I grabbed my board and paddled out to her. There was something about her that called to me. I stopped beside her. The smile she had was one that I had missed. Her eyes told her story.

I choked on my words not even knowing what to say or do. This was my Tori. She smiled at me. I tackled her and we fell into the water. I kissed her deeply. She giggled under me. I felt our connection. The only thing I could do was hug her and keep her close. I was scared I was going to lose her again. I didn't want too. I was praying and hoping this wasn't a dream because if it was then I never want to wake up. Tori pushed me away so she could breathe. I protested against it. "If you want me alive then I have to be able to breathe idiot." I chuckled at her threats. It was good to have her back. "Can I have a kiss then?" She smiled and nodded. I pulled her in and kissed her again.

We walked out of the Pacific Ocean to see turning heads. Miki was the first to cry out that Tori got her memories back. Sophia turned to look at Tori. "Tori!" Sophia ran to Tori and hugged her. Little tears poured out of her eyes. Tori hugged her back tightly whispering soft sweet words to the child.

Kalabar stood up to leave. As much as I hated him, it didn't seem right to have him leave. I could tell he meant a lot to Tori and I had to control myself. After all he did take care of my girl for a few hundred years. I walked over to him, "hey Kal. Stay. Tori will want to talk. You took care of her when I was placed on other duties." Kal shrugged, "she's my girl. Well was my girl. She changed. I guess I did too. Sorry for trying to take her back." I shrugged, "I get it. I would do the same thing too." He chuckled and I laughed. We were both knuckleheads, but I got the girl.

Kal looked at Tori and she smiled wrapping her arms around his neck embracing him in a hug. He was surprised and hugged her back tightly. I could tell this was Victoria's last goodbye to him. Kalabar Blake was saying goodbye forever to the girl he fell in love with years ago and she was telling him that she was with him. Tori looked at me and smiled. I opened my arms and she ran into them. My girl was home.

We partied all night long until the sun started to peak up and Sophia was out long before that and Tori had her sent to her chambers. I walked back with Tori on my back. She was asleep. It was like she had gotten into a battle and used up her energy. I laid her down in the giant bed and took off my shirt and put on pajama pants. I put Tori into her nightgown and kissed her tenderly on the cheek. She was asleep and smiled like she was in a good dream. I didn't know why, but her hand laid on her stomach protectively. I brushed it aside and laid next to her. She laid with her back to me like always. I pulled my queen to me. She sighed happily and I buried my face into her back. Taking in her scent. I missed this. Soon my eyes started to droop and I fell into a sleep where I knew I wouldn't wake up.

Morning came too soon. I was dreaming about my angel, and the noon sun shined blindly into my eyes. I groans and stretched. I looked around for Tori. I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and that stuff. I walked into the bathroom and jumped when I saw Tori taking a bubble bath. She yelped in surprise and sunk into the water. I blushed a dark red, and smiled, "Morning there Angel."

Tori giggled, "Morning. Get out." I nodded and bolted out.

I brushed my hair back with my hands and I heard Tori whistle. "Nice back muscles there kid. Been workin out lately?"

I blushed and looked at her. She was in a silk dress that complimented her figure, "Yeah beat up a few Kals and found the cure I think and spent time with Sophia."

Tori went behind me. "Sounds like a lot. Must be tense." I nodded, "It doesn't matter. You're mine and back so I couldn't ask for better." I heard her giggle.

Her hands trailed down my shoulders. I shivered by her touch. She started massage my shoulders and back. I sighed in pleasure. Her fingers trailed my muscle lines causing me to shiver. Her hands rubbed all the knots in my back muscles. I felt more relaxed. I smiled and sighed in relief. Tori kept rubbing and I let out a moan in pleasure. She giggled.

I ended up falling back asleep. She whispered something to me, but I was too far asleep to process. I heard one thing though, "We can't have family." I fell into darkness holding my queen in my arms. I heard her sigh as I snuggled close to her. This was something I missed.

I woke up to see Tori standing out on the terrace. Her hair flowed gently. Her white dress flowed in the wind and she looked out at the sunset over the ocean. I slowly walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist. "What's up Angel?" She smiled and turned to me, "Nothing Jay just been thinking about Victoria." I nuzzled my nose into her shoulder. She leaned heavily into me.

I didn't know why, but I felt this strong impulse to protect her and something else. It didn't make sense. I was at a lost. I just wanted Tori near me at all times. I will make sure she is with me at all time.

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