Chapter 17

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I heard her screams. Every single one of them tore through me like a hot knife. I shook the bars hoping they would break. I heard her scream one name I did not recognize. There was Damian, Ross, Ezekiel or Zeke, then Ashllyn or Ash had the loudest scream. Kalabar heard the screams and flinched. He recognized those names, but refused to speak about them.

Kal was holding back the demon inside. He knew he was going to die if he didn't get blood soon. Me honestly was starving. I felt the Hunger tear and shriek inside me. Tori was all I could think about. If she dies soon I'll hang myself.

Calvin walked in and gruffly said my name. I followed him into a confined room. The light burned my eyes causing me to squint. I was sat down and sprayed with water. My eyes adjusted and I looked around smirking to myself. They made the worst mistake in giving me water. I used my hands and water bended the water into an armor. Calvin let out a shriek as a water blade swept through him. My eyes had gone wild. I was releasing my inner monster. The thing I feared most. I saw Kyle run, but I shot out a water whip pulling him back. He shouted in alarm. I swept them across the floor making the wall crack. They will all die.

The water turned red with the blood. I called all the water back and walked out slicing anything that got close. I walked into her cage where Tori was. She stared at me with eyes. Eyes telling me she was gone. All the water seemed to drop. These eyes were Victoria's eyes only full of pain. I saw the shell she was. Then something burst inside her. I collected the water. She exploded in flames. She was gone.

I watched the flames lick the ground. Her eyes an intense blue almost white seemed to burn brighter go to slits. I was going to fight her. My life was threatening to kill me. I increased my water force by exploding a pipe. It was her and I. I shouted her name over the roar of her flames, but got no response. I felt a tear drop and I wiped it away. I had to fight to survive for her. I was going to beat my queen.

Tori came fully on fire at me. Her claw like hand went for my throat. I went to block, but a blow to my stomach made me hit the wall. I saw her coming and made an ice ball to hide in. Tori screeched and pressed her hands on the ice surrounding it in flames. I could see the flames slowly melting the ice as it licked the snow. I felt my body slowly giving out from using my magic. My pupils went black and I forgot everything.
The ice shattered and Tori was blown back hitting the wall. I watched the flames grow stronger. I gathered the water and shot it out at her. She screamed as the water encased her. The flames grew, but never pierced the sphere of water. She was trapped. I kept her like this until she passed out then held her under for a little while longer. The water reseeded and I slowly walked over to her.

Her hair was a wet mess. I pulled the black strip from her face and gingerly placed my hand on her cheek. Historia was in rage. She pulled out her whip and gave me 15 lashes. She then went to Tori giving her 25 lashes. Tori laid lifeless on the floor. Blood pooling from the wounds and her chapped lips. I heard her croak out a Jay, but I was dragged away before I could do anything. My poor angel suffers because of me.
I was thrown into a solitary cell. It was made of iron, hot iron. Made to burn my hands if I touched it. There was no blood. I haven't had it since yesterday. I keep calm and tried to feed off rats. It didn't help. Tori did say only human blood satisfies us. There were no humans. Only rats and mice.

Grace walked in dragging her hammer. I really didn't want to deal with this freak. I looked up glaring. She giggled insanely and pranced around singing some demonic tune. I stood up then she bashed my leg with her hammer. "Stay down sugar. I'm puttin on a show." I spit on her. "I don't want no damn entertainment. I want to talk to Cal not you Psycho."

Her nails lashed out cutting my cheek. The cut healed fast. "You are mine Jayson Goods. Mine! I tell you all mine!" Her eyes were crazy. I knew this was an opportunity to her blood. I smirked and kissed her hating it. She kissed me back surprised. "Glad you see things my way sugar." I nodded huffing. This is my chance.

"Oh Grace I'm a little tense. Can you made me unravel?" I asked in my smooth voice seducing this mortal. She wrapped her arms around my neck pushing my head towards her neck. My fangs came out as I brushed them against her skin. She moaned enjoying. I was going to make her scream. Scream for hurting my mate.

I sunk them in tearing her flesh drinking the cool blood. Her screams were silenced. I pressed her against the wall my hand over her mouth. My body was slowly getting stronger. She went limp and I tossed her body out of the cell making it look like she hit herself with her hammer. Calvin came and carried her away. I licked the blood from my lips with a proudness going through me. This will be the last time she messes with me.
Historia burst through the door. Rage was flickering in her green eyes. Kyle stood watching from her shadow in fear. I heard her whip crack against my skin. I held it in. I had to be strong for Tori. Historia did ten more whips than walked out. I said nothing. Tomorrow I knew this would be it. This was the last time I would see Tori and I needed to change that. I closed my eyes thinking about what I should do or what I can do. The only thing I could think of would be to either kill her or hope she isn't too far away in her mind. From what I know she is alright for now.

Lines and plans played in the dirt floor. Just when I thought I had it my answer was demolished. I held her bracelet close. It would be the only thing I would have. I yelled and threw a big hissy fit. I smashed the wall and I shook the bars. Red tears stung my eyes. Historia could win. I had to keep going. I wasn't going to lose my wife.
The next morning was brutal. I could hear her screams and Cal's evil laughter, She was dying. I knew it. This was what a death sounds like. The repeat of screams that echo through your head. The heart breaking thoughts about the happy past. All your happy memories getting played over and over. Then at the end was the death. I didn't know how she would die, but I know it wouldn't be pretty.

Calvin walked into my cell. "Well Jayson you seem to have fallen far. From a brave knight to a sad coward feeding off his former friends blood. That is sad Jay. Very sad."
I struggled against my restraints.  "Don't say anything Calvin. You were the one I thought of as a brother. You were kinder, loveable, smart, and wise."

He smashed the wall with his fist. "I was weak! I was scared! I knew pain. Each day I was a pathetic whelp. Now I'm strong. I never felt more betrayed when my best friend left me in a grave as I was still alive. I was alive and I could have saved Grace. You just watched her die and never went after her.." Calvin exclaimed as he made another dent.

"Cal you died. Grace and I thought you were dead. I almost died myself. I was in a coma for the past ten years. What the hell did you want me to do? I cried every night when I lost both of you. Grace killed people. Cal I never wanted to lose your or even hurt you. You should help us. Calvin help me and get Tori out of here." I asked no I begged.
"Sorry knightling but my loyalty belongs to the Nightmare Queen. And Jay," he said as he walked out, "Tori is gone."

My eyes widened and realized that he hadn't killed her by staking her, but he killed her spirit and who she was. I screamed and yelled like I was being cut by a knife. I knew she could hear me. I was losing myself now because I didn't have her. Kalabar knocked me out to get me to shut up. I could only see black.

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