Chapter 7

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I woke up expecting Tori to be there. I waited for her soft lips to meet mine. They didn't. My heart raced as I looked around the room. I overturned the bedroom. There was no trace. I picked up her scent quickly. There was a hint of blood. Oh no I thought quickly and sprinted to the bathroom. I looked in the toilet to see a tiny drop of her blood. My eyes scanned for any evidence of an attack. Maybe she accidentally got herself or maybe she drank bad blood? Maybe she bit her lip to hard and made it bleed. Oh Tori where are you?

I ran out in a panic I needed to get to my best girl. I didn't want to lose her like I have been. I wanted to do something for her. I wanted her to know I'm committed to her. I wanted to propose.

I followed her scent into the woods. She was there practicing her sword. Her hair flying and the flames of her determination glowing. There was nothing that could stop the queen of vampires. That was until she stopped and leaned up against the tree closest to her. I almost blew my cover as I watch her pant. Something was off about Tori and I needed to find it.

Tori's knees were about to give out on her. I was there in a flash. Her blue eyes looked up at me. This wasn't like Tori to be easily exhausted. She had a high endurance. Something was up. I wanted to know what it is. "Tori baby, you alright? You've been acting, oh how do I put this. Uh different?" Tori's eyes widened and she laughed. I knew that laugh. It was her attempt to ease my mind and sat nothing is wrong.
"Oh Jay nothing's wrong. Just been off my game from a lack of training." I nodded but didn't believe her for a second. I knew something was up, but I know she hates it when I press her buttons. So I just played along like normal.

Tori turned to me and I looked down at her. She quickly placed a kiss on my lips. Somehow she knew I couldn't resist her cuteness when she does that. "Jay I want a piggy back ride." That was new. Tori never wanted to have one unless it was to kill me for training.
"Come on Tori I don't feel like training." I whined.

Her face went to confusion then she let out a small giggle. What the hell? She giggled? Tori are you high or something? I'm sorry but my Tori does  not giggle what so ever. She laughs from her stomach. I raised my eyebrow as I waited for her to calm down.

"Uh Tori you sure you're ok?" Tori gave a laugh snort, "Of course I am cutie I'm in a happy mood." That was not my Tori. She would never say that. I let her hop onto my back as I ran back to the castle. She was giggling the whole way.

I took her to her bedroom chamber. She walked in a weird way. Her ankles may be bothering her. I picked her up bridal style and tossed her on the bed. I heard her shout out and giggle. She landed on the bed and slightly bounced. I jumped onto the bed and growled playfully at her. She growled back and got on all fours. I did the same. Tori lunged at me and we wrestled on the bed pinning each other.

Finally I pinned her. Tori growled and giggled at the same time. Damn your so beautiful I thought to myself. I kissed her gently. I had special plans for tonight. Tori kissed back and I deepened the kiss. Her arms wrapped around my neck. I pulled her up to me closer. I pulled away for a quick breath. Tori pulled me on top of her. I let my lips meet hers. Our tongues wrestled for dominance. I was the winner. She didn't care. All she wanted was to be with me. Tori was hiding so much and she was kissing me like it would be the last time. I took advantage of that and kissed her with a firey passion. I felt her hands grip my hair. This made me kiss her deeper. I felt up and down her body.

This was my mate. My girl. My everything. I claim her as mine. No one will touch her.
I kissed her till I couldn't anymore. I panted and she did too. I kissed her cheek, "that was a nice make-out session huh babe?" Tori blushed a fierce red. I chuckled. I stretched and picked up the t-shirt I had on until my little queen threw it off of me. I guess I couldn't say a lot because I tore her shirt to shreds. "Damn you're beautiful Tori." She sat up. "I know. And you owe me a new shirt." I chuckled and nodded, "As you wish my queen."

She sat up and pulled her hair back as she put it up in a ponytail. I watched her hold the hair tie in her mouth. My eyes tracked down her body. She was wearing a black tank top and jean shorts. Tori put her hair up and walked  out to the terrace. She looked out into the ocean sadly. Something was bothering her.

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