Chapter 16

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I watched him walk away. No care in the world. His words kept echoing. I did the most desperate thing I could do. I shouted that I loved him. I meant it with everything I could. I loved him. Then his final words cut me like a knife in a place that he could only access. "I never did." My world fell into an oblivion.

I found myself staring at the wall. It was black in here. Just black. Nothing kept me going. Nothing seemed to move. Just black. I enjoyed it. I made ways to kill myself. I looked at the noose on the chains. I thought of ways I could stab myself. I wanted to be dead. I laughed crazily going insane. I wanted death.

Soon someone appeared. It was the twins, the middle children in the family. Damian and Ross. The dark twin and light. Ross laughed and pulled at my chains. Damian sulked in the shadows his black hair shimmering. "Well well well little sis seems to me you're in a pickle. Must be pretty dark. Damian think little sis remembers how to talk?" Ross asked his darker brother.

Ross was the older one out of the two by minutes. He's the light one. The jokester if you will. He controls light with his ring. I always found him extremes obnoxious and annoying. He would crack the stupid jokes. His eyes were gold with humor and seemed to laugh and jeer at anything he could. Guess he was an asshat sometimes. Although you messed with his family you would be obliterated into tiny pieces or turned to ash like ledgers says.

"Ross leave Tori alone. She's dying." Damian muttered softly. This only made Ross laugh harder. He liked it when people were in pain. Gave him purpose to light up his day.

Damian was younger and more mature than Ross. His eyes bloody red with a white mark over his left eye like Ross did only with his right eye and his mark was black. Made them connected I guess. Anyway Damian had shadow magic or black magic to assist him in battle. He was quiet and spoke few words if any at all. He knew death well. Shit he helped create hell. Well maybe not. Damian was the one to calm Ross down or any of us. My thoughts were interrupted by a roar of laughter as Ross set off an explosion of light. "Well there we go" he chuckled, "not so dark in here now is it?"

I pulled away turning my back to him. This was joy and sadness all over again. Damian laid his hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him. "Tori we came to give you gifts when battle comes. Our rings. When you need us we will come. It's simple." I smiled as he did. Ross nodded agreeing. I was getting my family back. I hugged them. Then they faded leaving the black dragon ring and a silver dragon ring. I screamed begging for their return. They never came back.

A force knocked me down. I gasped in surprise. A boy popped out of the ground. He fixed his nerdy glasses and brushed off his navy sweater vest. He had a piece of brown hair sticking up. I smiled and hugged him. "Hey Ezekiel." I whispered hugging my nerdy brother. He hugged me back tightly. We weren't close, but he was the second oldest in our family. And I missed his wise words and smart as responses and the way he adjusted his glasses.

"Vicky nice to see you again" he said calmly and straightened out his pants. He hated when things weren't clean or in order. He was the smartest and slowest one. "Zeke I go by Tori now. Victoria, your other sister is gone. I'm new and old at the same time. I'm Victoria 2.0." He chuckled and nodded.

"Now to business. You know the Phoenix is inside you. I take it the twins have given their gifts?" I nodded and went to speak, but he held his hand. "I don't need to know. Tori you have two choices. Die now or die later. Hold the Phoenix in and die or die with her by killing her. If you kill her many people will die. The choice is yours. If battle does come take my grandfather watch. I'll come when you need me." He handed me his grandfather watch and ruffled my hair. "I'll see you in another time and place Queen Vicky." I rolled my eyes as he sunk back into the dirt using gravity magic. "The name is Tori" I shouted just before he vanished. Then I was alone again.

Lightning flashed through the room. I looked away from the the bright light. Then it dimmed. There stood Ashllyn. My eyes watered as I ran and hugged my eldest brother. I cried into his chest like a pathetic baby. He spoke softly crying himself which was a first. I felt his arms tighten around my body holding me close shielding me from the horrors like he did. I missed him.

He cleared his throat and made his annoyed face, "well lil sis seems like your ass has been kicked huh? Take it the twins and Nerdy Magee were already here." I nodded trying to get my emotions in check. "Good." He said in a gruff voice.

I hugged him, "Ash, Kyle betrayed us, he's with Historia and Jayson, m-my mate betrayed me. What do I do now?" I choked out trying not to burst into tears again. I saw Ash's pale blue cat eyes turn to slits. His scar over his left eye lit up yellow with rage.

Electricity sparked around him. I shook in fear. "That asshat hurt you! He's lucky I'm dead otherwise I'd turn him to smithereens!" Ash hollered in rage punching things letting it all out. I could only watch in fear.

He calmed down after making dents in the walls. I watched his shoulder fall in disappointment. "Sis I was supposed to protect you. I was supposed to make sure this didn't happen. I'm sorry Victoria. I really am." I was speechless. Ashllyn Helsing never said sorry. I was shocked. I didn't know what to do. There wasn't much I can do.

"Don't leave again"

"What?" He asked surprised.

"Don't leave me again Ash. I need you."

He hugged me and slipped his bracelet. It was gold and smoothe. He charged his lighting with it. I knew what was going to happen and I gripped him tighter.

"Lil sis I'm always going to be with you." Ash whispered in my ear. He lit up and slowly started to fade. I screamed his name. He hugged me tightly trying not to leave. "I'm always here Lil sis always here." He was gone.

Nothing was left. I fell to the ground screaming. I had lost my brother again and this time there was no stopping it.

I sat in the dark beating myself up for sucking so much. I was going to half myself until Calvin stopped me. I saw in his eyes that he wanted to die and this wasn't what he wanted. He was trapped like me. Calvin watched me drink the blood he brought then he beat me some more. I had gone numb. I was a shell.

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