Chapter 13

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I awoke with the beautiful sunlight shining through the window. I went to grip my wife closer. There was only air. I sat up in confusion. She wasn't anywhere to be seen. I called out her name. No response.

I slowly got out of bed and walked into the kitchen. All I could see was a note and the bracelet I gave her one day as we trained. I felt my throat tighten as I picked up the bracelet and stared at it. It was warm like it hadn't touched her icy skin. I stared down at the note. My eyes didn't read, but looked at the curve of each of her letters. I felt my heart breaking. My hands shook as I picked up the sheet of paper and read.

Dear my Jay,
If you are reading this it means I have already left. I'm sorry I did,But know I had too. It is to protect you and keep you safe. Jayson I Love you so much. You are my everything, and I had to go.
Please don't be mad. It was my choice. Mom was going to kill you. I couldn't watch.
By the full moon this week I shall be dead. I have to kill the Phoenix. Please don't save me. It's too late. I'm already gone.
Jayson train Sophia to be a strong queen. Protect our people. Please don't die because I'm gone. The people look up to you now. I'll watch over you. Please know this wasn't easy to do.
I love you forever. I vowed my life to you. Thank you for this wonderful chance at happiness. I love you,

I slammed the paper onto the table. I gripped the bracelet hard in my hand. This wasn't ok. She promised forever, but I only got two days. Two days. I had lost my wife, my mate, my everything. I was going to make Historia pay.

I ran out of the cabin and sprinted to the castle. Sophia ran to me, but I had pushed her aside. There wasn't time for her when my mate could be dying and suffering. Drew first caught my sight. I dragged him to me. "Drew listen I don't have time to explain. I need you to get the elite team ready. Now! Meet in the battle room." I left Drew to go into the battle room.

Slowly one by one the elite team fell in. Liv, Miki, Faith, Kal, and Drew walked in. I glared and waited for them to sit down. Miki gasped and I realized that she had read my mind,

"Tori is gone?" Miki blurted out. I nodded sadly as Liv grabbed her giant scissors, "who did this and why?" I slowly pulled out the note and read it to them. Kal had a low growl in his throat. Faith grabbed her bow staff and held it behind her back battle ready. Jeb walked in as we started to discuss what we needed to do. Jeb strolled into the middle of the room. "So I hear ye are tryin to get 'er Majesty back. Didn't she leave ye a note. Her don't want to be found for a reason." 

I rolled my eyes, crazy old man. Doesn't he know I have to find my Tori? My thoughts were silent, but Miki giggled slightly. Hey stay outta my mind you creepy stalker.  Her eyes glared at me and I simply shrugged. If she didn't want to hear what I think then she should stay out. Simple rule.
"Jeb, Tori left because Historia threatened to kill us," I growled lowly, "my wife is missing, and I plan to find her whether she likes it or not."

Jeb stepped away, "find 'er if you'd like young Knight, but be warned. What he seeks may not be as he thought." His voice was in a creepy tone like he was predicting a ghost or something. We all watched the crusty old vampire slowly walk out and shuddered.

He was old very old, but also very wise.

I turned back to the group. Faith nodded, "I agree with Jeb. He's right. Tori made this sacrifice herself. We should let her be." All of the others besides Kal and I agreed with Faith. My lip pulled back into a snarl. I was pissed and I needed to get my Angel back. "So what you are all telling me is you decided that Tori made a sacrifice for you damn skins and you don't want to do shit about it?"

They all nodded.

Liv stepped up to speak for the group's behalf, "Jay listen Tori is strong enough to handle herself. If she wanted this she wanted this."

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