Chapter 10

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The little brat was about to collapse under the pressure of her mate. I sighed and played with little fireballs. I watched the queen as she laid on her bed mind swirling with storms of ideas. Her marriage will be short. I will see to it. In a week I will be released and create a world of hell upon her. I am the true Queen. I'm the demon of fire and pain. They will all bow down to me. I will rule all! I started to giggle evilly. The giggle turned into a chuckle. The chuckle became a full evil laugh that echoed off the walls of my confinement. Flames are coming.


I stopped myself from telling him everything. To the secret and the deal. I couldn't tell him. He would only suffer and try to stop me. Although I did have something to tell him. "Jay, I want to tell you something about Sophia." He took a deep breath and nodded for me to go on, "I have decided to make her my heir." He hugged me in approval. I could tell he just wanted to get the wedding over with. Not in a bad way. I heard Jay talk in his sleep about calling me his wife. I heard him mummer a girl's name. Selene. It sounds beautiful for a girl. I wish I could live long enough to have a daughter or a son. I sighed as he hugged me tightly.

I slipped away trying to hide my tears. I pushed Jay out of the bedroom. "Hey T-Tori!" I smiled and laughed, "Isn't it tradition that the groom can not see his bride before the wedding?" I saw a wave of relief wash over his face. He nodded and walked away. Drew came by my door and I stopped him.

"Hey Drew? Can you tell my cousins to meet me in here. I have dresses that need to be fitted. Also make sure the wedding is ready by tomorrow. For sure by 2 o'clock. And keep Jay away. " Drew's eyes widened in surprise that I was asking for his help. I was even surprised at myself, but I knew I needed his help. I watched him walk away. The flame that was starting reminded me of what happened to Ash. I closed my door and got out my good wine glasses. This room was going to have a party.

The girls showed up quickly. I saw the bags of makeup and dressed along with hair supplies. I heard Faith squeal as she hugged me. I smiled at hugged back. "I miss Drew already! We were gonna go have fun." She pouted and I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "Sad sad little puppy love" I muttered. Her eyes widened and she pushed my onto the couch, "Says the bride who's getting married tomorrow!" I rolled my eyes yet again and make it look like I was about to puke.

Liv tackled me. "Can I be the maid of honor! Please please please!" She made a pathetic little puppy face. I sighed and then everyone was asking if they could be my maid of honor. I wish Zuko from Avatar the Last Airbender were here, that way I'd give him a chance to regain his honor. Miki laughed out loud. Damnit she read my thoughts. Sometimes it was hard being me.

Later that night we drank blood shots and did everything a party would do. All of us huddled on the couch watching some old scary movie. I wondered what the boys were doing and how Kal and Jay were getting along. Miki punched me in the shoulder, "no thinking about those two the night before your wedding. No stress. Speaking of stress... Pillow Fight!" She smacked Liv right in the face with a pillow. I ducked and rolled away. Faith dove over the couch, but missed and fell with a crash. Liv grabbed her pillow and started whacking Miki with it. I grabbed mine to defend myself. Faith snuck up behind me, but I already countered her moves and hit her in the gut. She gasped for air and fell to the ground. I smiled triumphantly then realized Miki has started her swing. I got hit in the shoulder.

I smirked evilly, "So" I started, "we want to play dirty. Let's play dirty!" I screamed and tackled Miki smacking the pillow on her face. We laughed as she batted me away. I saw Liv coming on one side and Faith on the other. Miki was blocking me off from behind. "1...2...3... CHARGE!" Faith cried out and they all charged and I timed it where I leapt over them. All three of them were watching me and forgot about each other then WAM! All three of them fell back woozy like. I laughed, "give up?" Faith and Miki agreed, but
Liv got up for one last go. I watched her crack her knuckles in a weird way. "For Kaneki Ken!" Liv battle cried out. She came full speed at me screaming and I picked up a pillow slightly stepped to the side and smacked her in the head. "Bullseye!" I exclaimed excitedly and her fell down laughing.

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